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Users Satisfaction Regarding the Service Provided in Community Pharmacies




During the last century, the pharmacy professionals have significantly being professionalized, the user is a high priority and not just limited to the sale of pharmaceuticals. As such, it is necessary to know the users, their needs and expectations, their opinions and preferences. This transversal study, observational, correlational, aimed to: determine the degree of satisfaction with the attendance in community pharmacies, if there is a relationship between factors of a personal nature (age and gender) and satisfaction, trying to identify which aspects improve in order to increase satisfaction levels. The sample consisted of 525 respondents. Data collection was conducted in the period from October 2012 to January 2013 in four locations in northern Portugal. It was used a questionnaire consisting of three parts: the first contained items of personal characterization, the second consisted of the scale "Pharmacy Services Questionnaire" (FSQ) validated for the Portuguese language, developed by Larson et al. (2002) and the last had questions about the respondents' opinion. The results showed that the degree of satisfaction with the services of community pharmacies was in majority an average to 39 % and good for 46,1% . Having in mind the factor by gender, females showed a higher degree of satisfaction. Regarding the age group, older users had the highest degree of satisfaction. It was concluded that, generally, community pharmacies bring a higher degree of satisfaction in the older and the female users. "How the pharmacy professionals explain possible side effects" and "how the pharmacy professional answers your questions.", are the two aspects that must be improved to achieve a higher degree of satisfaction.
机译:在上个世纪中,药学专业人士已显着专业化,用户是重中之重,而不仅限于药品的销售。因此,有必要了解用户,他们的需求和期望,他们的意见和偏好。这项横向观察性,相关性研究旨在:确定社区药房出勤的满意度,如果个人因素(年龄和性别)与满意度之间存在关联,则试图确定哪些方面可以改善增加满意度。样本由525名受访者组成。数据收集于2012年10月至2013年1月在葡萄牙北部的四个地点进行。它使用的问卷包括三个部分:第一部分包含个人特征项,第二部分包含经Larson等人开发的针对葡萄牙语验证的“药学服务调查问卷”(FSQ)量表。 (2002年)和最后一个关于受访者意见的问题。结果表明,社区药店的服务满意度平均达到39%,平均为46.1%。考虑到性别因素,女性表现出较高的满意度。对于年龄组,年龄较大的用户满意度最高。结论是,一般而言,社区药房给老年人和女性使​​用者带来更高的满意度。 “药房专业人员如何解释可能出现的副作用”和“药房专业人员如何回答您的问题。”是必须获得改善的两个方面,以获得更高的满意度。



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