首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Environmental Biology >Statistical Analysis for Echis Pyramedium Environment and its thermo Adaptation at Jazan Region- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Statistical Analysis for Echis Pyramedium Environment and its thermo Adaptation at Jazan Region- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




The study examined the thermo relationship for Echis pyrmedium during a whole year period stating fromMarch 2003 to February 2004 at Jazan Region at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which represent the existence ofthis phenomenon. In this study, the preferable temperatures were deteronind during illumination and darkness,least critical temperature, highest critical temperature in labatories, and were compared to field records foractual temperature in soil, air and body present at observed environment to determine thermo type demands andits thermo adaptation in this region environment. SPSS software (Statistical Package for Social Studies) as usedto conduct statistical tests and find some relationship such as maximum, minimum, average temperature valuesand to find out standard error for different laboratial temperature for animals at day and night, to find out winterand summer environment. Excel software was used to draw frequency values and different statisticalrelationship found in this study. Results of the study indicated a significant different for preferred bodytemperature using Echis pyarnidun in the labatory and field, as it was found that the average preferred bodytemperature in Echis pyramidum environment was 29.67Co at field, while the average preferred bodytemperature at night for Echis pyramidum was 27.15 Co . as for the average preferred temperature at daylightwas 28.29 Co. it was found that labotarial body temperature at Echis pyramidum environment rises from theearly morning hours (start of light period) and continuous to rise until the end of the day (start the darkness) thendecrease other time, despite the fact that thermo range for Echis pyramidum begins at 21.8 Co and ends at 35.1Co. Most stops ranges between 26.9 Co -29.3 Co , with an average of 27.19 Co , which is lesser than the bodytemperature average in Echis pyramidum by two degrees (average = 29.67 Co ). these results can be explained indifferent ways, and the most significant is that the absence of physical exhaustion and environmental pressurethe snake may face while searching for food. Results of the study indicted that the preferred thermo range forEchis pyramidum and the average labaratorial and environmental body temperature is no different fromprevalent snakes species found in kingdom of Saudi Arabia and this wide thermo range is significant in reducingenergy consumption as it helps the snake to reach the required preferred body temperature for a certain activityat adequet time, and the short activity periods is also justified by availability of prays found in the environment.
机译:该研究调查了从2003年3月至2004年2月在沙特阿拉伯王国的贾赞地区(Jazan Region)从一年中开始的大chi虫的热关系,这表明了这种现象的存在。在这项研究中,最佳温度取决于光照和黑暗期间的最低温度,最低临界温度,实验室的最高临界温度,并与实地记录的土壤,空气和人体在观测环境中的实际温度的现场记录进行比较,以确定热类型需求及其热适应性。在这个区域的环境中。使用SPSS软件(社会研究统计软件包)进行统计测试,并发现某些关系(例如最大,最小,平均温度值),并找出白天和晚上动物不同实验温度的标准误差,从而找出冬天和夏天的环境。使用Excel软件绘制频率值和本研究中发现的不同统计关系。研究结果表明,在实验室和野外使用大叶E草的首选体温存在显着差异,因为发现大叶E药环境中的平均优选体温在田间为29.67Co,而在夜里,大chi草的平均优选体温为。 27.15公司至于白天的平均首选温度为28.29 Co.,则发现Echis pyramidum环境下的Labotarial体温从清晨开始(光照开始)并持续升高直至一天结束(开始黑暗),然后降低时间,尽管Echis pyramidum的温度范围始于21.8 Co,结束于35.1Co。大多数停靠点在26.9 Co -29.3 Co之间,平均为27.19 Co,比Echis pyramidum的体温平均低2度(平均值= 29.67 Co)。这些结果可以用不同的方式来解释,最重要的是,蛇在寻找食物时可能没有体力消耗和环境压力。研究结果表明,Echis pyramidum的首选温度范围以及实验室和环境的平均体温与沙特阿拉伯王国常见的蛇种没有什么不同,该宽广的温度范围对于降低能耗非常重要,因为它有助于蛇达到目标温度。在婚礼上需要一定的体温,以便在一定的活动时间进行,而短暂的活动时间也可以通过在环境中找到祈祷来证明。



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