首页> 外文期刊>Comunicacao & Inovacao >Masaru Shintani: The Making of a Modern Canadian Karate Master

Masaru Shintani: The Making of a Modern Canadian Karate Master

机译:Masaru Shintani:现代加拿大空手道大师的作品



This article looks at the life of Japanese/Canadian karate pioneer, Masaru Shintani, from his birth in Vancouver, British Columbia, until his death in Kapuskasing, Ontario. After more than thirty years of teaching, Shintani created one of the largest karate organizations in North America with over 27,000 members. Shintani also invented Shindo, a martial art facilitating the use of an ancient weapon, the short stick, with modern techniques. For this article, many of Shintani’s senior students helped to reconstruct his life and explain his complex personality with recollections of their teacher. From the beginning of his karate training in an internment camp, to the eventual achievement of 9th-degree black belt, Masaru Shintani epitomized the modern karate master.
机译:本文介绍了日本/加拿大空手道先驱Masaru Shintani的生平,他出生于不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华,直到去世于安大略省的Kapuskasing。经过三十多年的教学,Shintani创立了北美最大的空手道组织之一,拥有27,000多名成员。 Shintani还发明了一种Shindo,这是一种武术,它通过现代技术促进了古代武器短棍的使用。对于这篇文章,Shintani的许多高年级学生帮助他们重建了生活,并回想起了老师的复杂性格。从在禁闭训练营开始空手道训练到最终实现9度黑带,Masaru Shintani就是现代空手道大师的缩影。



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