首页> 外文期刊>Academicus >A global and cooperative professional/academic effort to advocate the value of public relations to organizations and society - How the global alliance is changing the future of the public relations profession

A global and cooperative professional/academic effort to advocate the value of public relations to organizations and society - How the global alliance is changing the future of the public relations profession




In the fall of 1964, aged 23, the author of this chapter found himself at a 3M Company HQ meeting in Saint Paul (Minnesota) with some ten other international relations professionals. An elderly and just retired William McKnight, legendary founder of what even today is an evergreen success story of a truly ‘communicative’ global company (can the reader think of any other major multinational that has survived and blossomed for a century without going through at least one major crisis?), walks in the room unannounced and amicably mutters: ‘Hey John, who are all these people in the room?’. John (Verstraete, at the time senior vice president for public relations) stands up and says: ‘Bill, these are your public relations people from around the world’. McKnight shakes his head, raises hand to chin, searches in his beard and suggests: ‘Yeah! Sure… Though maybe, before improving our image, they should worry about improving the image of their profession!’. In October 2006, in New Delhi (India), Harold Burson addressed the ICCO Conference in New Delhi (India) (Icco is the global umbrella organization of national agency associations) and expressed utmost urgence for a public relations program for public relations. It’s like the cobblers children, he said. Helas! An ongoing challenge each of us -seasoned professionals or scholars- have faced hundreds of times, in schools, colleges, universities, society at large, companies, governments, non profits…
机译:1964年秋天,年仅23岁的本章作者在明尼苏达州圣保罗市的3M公司总部会议上与约十名其他国际关系专业人士见面。威廉·麦克奈特(William McKnight)是一位年迈的退休者,刚刚退休,他是传奇人物的创始人,即使在今天,这也是一个真正的“交流型”全球公司的常青成功故事(读者能否想到其他任何存活并繁荣了一个世纪的大型跨国公司,至少没有经历过一场重大危机?),悄无声息地走进房间,喃喃地说:“嗨,约翰,房间里的这些人都是谁?”。约翰(Verstraete,当时的公共关系高级副总裁)站起来说:“比尔,这些是您来自世界各地的公共关系人员。”麦克奈特摇了摇头,举起手来托住下巴,搜寻胡须并建议:“是的!当然……虽然也许在提高我们的形象之前,他们应该担心提高自己的职业形象!’。 2006年10月,哈罗德·伯森(Harold Burson)在印度新德里(ICCO)在新德里(印度)举行的ICCO会议上致辞(ICCO是国家机构协会的全球保护组织),并表示迫切需要制定公共关系公共关系计划。他说,就像补鞋匠的孩子一样。嘿!我们每个人(经验丰富的专业人员或学者)都面临着持续的挑战,在学校,学院,大学,整个社会,公司,政府,非营利组织中都面临着数百次挑战。



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