首页> 外文期刊>Church, Communication and Culture >Colloquy with Maxwell McCombs at the University of Texas at Austin: agenda setting, a limitless theory in a connected world

Colloquy with Maxwell McCombs at the University of Texas at Austin: agenda setting, a limitless theory in a connected world

机译:与德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的麦克斯韦·麦康布斯(Maxwell McCombs)讨论:议程设置,互联世界中的无限理论



AbstractProfessor Maxwell McCombs is a widely known authority in Journalism. Much of his historical and intellectual background, as well as his contribution to journalism and political communication, is found in this interview, done in 22–23 May 2017 in Austin (Texas) by two qualified interviewers: a corporate communications professional, and a professor of communications theory. The long conversations with the interviewee allow them to extract the best of his academic background and, one may also say, of his amiable character. Professor McCombs is currently the Jesse H. Jones Centennial Chair in Communication Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin. He has been visiting professor in many different US and worldwide universities. After the original Chapel Hill Study (North Carolina) with his colleague Donald Shaw he coined the term ‘agenda setting’ in 1968. He received his M.A. and his Ph.D. from Stanford University and his B.A. from Tulane University.
机译:摘要Maxwell McCombs教授是新闻界的知名权威。这项采访于2017年5月22日至23日在德克萨斯州奥斯汀举行,由两名合格的采访员进行了采访,其中包括他的大部分历史和知识背景以及对新闻和政治传播的贡献:一名企业传播专家和一名教授传播理论。与受访者的长期交谈使他们能够充分利用自己的学术背景,甚至可以说出他的和可亲的性格。 McCombs教授目前是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校名誉教授Jesse H. Jones百年通讯教授。他曾在美国和世界各地许多大学担任客座教授。在最初与他的同事Donald Shaw(北卡罗来纳州)进行Chapel Hill研究(北卡罗莱纳州)之后,他于1968年创造了“议程设置”一词。他获得了硕士学位和博士学位。从斯坦福大学获得学士学位来自杜兰大学。



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