首页> 外文期刊>Current oncology >Estimation of drug cost avoidance and pathology cost avoidance through participation in NCIC Clinical Trials Group phase III clinical trials in Canada

Estimation of drug cost avoidance and pathology cost avoidance through participation in NCIC Clinical Trials Group phase III clinical trials in Canada

机译:通过参加加拿大的NCIC Clinical Trials Group的III期临床试验来估算避免药品费用和避免病理费用



Background Cost avoidance occurs when, because of provision of a drug therapy [drug cost avoidance (dca)] or a pathology test [pathology cost avoidance (pca)] during trial participation, health care payers need not pay for standard treatments or testing. The aim of our study was to estimate the total dca and pca for Canadian patients enrolled in relevant phase iii trials conducted by the ncic Clinical Trials Group. Methods Phase iii trials that had completed accrual and resulted in dca or pca were identified. The pca was calculated based on the number of patients screened and the test cost. The dca was estimated based on patients randomized, the protocol dosing regimen, drug cost, median dose intensity, and median duration of therapy. Costs are presented in Canadian dollars. No adjustment was made for inflation. Results From 1999 to 2011, 4 trials (1479 patients) resulted in pca and 17 trials (3195 patients) resulted in dca. The total pca was estimated at $4,194,849, which included testing for KRAS ($141,058), microsatellite instability ($18,600), and 21-gene recurrence score ($4,035,191). The total dca was estimated at $27,952,512, of which targeted therapy constituted 43% (five trials). The combined pca and dca was $32,147,361. Conclusions Over the study period, trials conducted by the ncic Clinical Trials Group resulted in total cost avoidance (pca and dca) of approximately $7,518 per patient. Although not all trials lead to cost avoidance, such savings should be taken account when the financial impact of conducting clinical research is being considered.
机译:背景由于在试验参与期间由于提供了药物治疗[避免药物成本(dca)]或进行病理检查[避免病理成本(pca)]而发生了费用回避,因此医疗保健付款人无需为标准治疗或测试付费。我们研究的目的是估计由ncic临床试验小组进行的相关iii期临床试验的加拿大患者的总dca和pca。方法确定已完成应计并导致dca或pca的iii期临床试验。 pca是根据筛查的患者人数和测试费用计算得出的。 dca是根据随机分组的患者,方案给药方案,药物费用,中位剂量强度和中位治疗时间估算的。费用以加元表示。没有对通货膨胀进行任何调整。结果从1999年至2011年,有4项试验(1479例患者)导致了pca,有17项试验(3195例患者)导致了pca。估计总pca为4,194,849美元,其中包括对KRAS的测试(141,058美元),微卫星不稳定性(18,600美元)和21个基因的复发评分(4,035,191美元)。 dca的总价值估计为27,952,512美元,其中靶向治疗占43%(五项试验)。 pca和dca的总和为$ 32,147,361。结论在研究期间,ncic临床试验小组进行的试验使每位患者避免的总成本(pca和dca)约为7,518美元。尽管并非所有试验都能避免成本,但在考虑进行临床研究的财务影响时,应考虑这种节省。



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