首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Effectiveness Research >Application of an adapted PRECIS-2 instrument to assess efficacy- and effectiveness-study designs in a systematic review of intervention studies of the hepatitis C virus-care continuum among people who use drugs

Application of an adapted PRECIS-2 instrument to assess efficacy- and effectiveness-study designs in a systematic review of intervention studies of the hepatitis C virus-care continuum among people who use drugs




Introduction: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses examining intervention studies may need to categorize studies by the degree to which they reflect efficacy or effectiveness study-design elements when reporting systematic reviews and meta-analysis results. Materials and methods: We identified reports presenting data from intervention studies eligible for evaluation with an adapted PRECIS-II instrument as part of a larger systematic review of the hepatitis C virus (HCV)-care continuum among people who used drugs. We applied the instrument to score reports examining any of the HCV-care-continuum steps of testing, linkage to care, and treatment on an efficacy–effectiveness spectrum. Composite scores are presented in tabular format and in stacked dot plots. Results: The adapted PRECIS-II instrument was applied to 37 unique reports that presented data on 51 HCV-care-continuum outcomes of testing (n=16), linkage to care (n=12), and treatment (n=23). Totals of 28, six, and three reports had been produced on one, two, or all three outcomes, respectively. Ten and eight studies described themselves as having efficacy or effectiveness designs, respectively; 33 did not specify. PRECIS-II composite scores for reports produced on testing, linkage to care, and treatment ranged widely: 1.22–5. Composite scores for reports examining HCV treatment indicated study designs that tended toward effectiveness (3.35), but those examining testing (3.85) or linkage (3.8) had more effectiveness-study designs ( P =0.003, P =0.013, respectively). Conclusion: Reviewed reports varied widely in their use of efficacy/effectiveness-study designs, suggesting that systematic reviews and meta-analyses need to consider heterogeneity in efficacy/effectiveness study design in analyses. Most reports tended modestly toward having effectiveness designs, and treatment studies contained the most elements of efficacy-study designs. When assessing large numbers of reports with the PRECIS-II instrument, stacked dot plots may aid visually in depicting the range of scores. This review suggests that studies of the effectiveness of HCV treatment of people who use drugs at a population level is a research gap.
机译:简介:检查干预研究的系统评价和荟萃分析可能需要在报告系统评价和荟萃分析结果时按照其反映功效或有效性研究设计要素的程度对研究进行分类。资料和方法:我们确定了报告,这些报告提供了符合条件的干预研究数据,这些数据有资格使用经过改装的PRECIS-II仪器进行评估,这是对使用毒品的人进行的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)护理连续体更大范围系统评价的一部分。我们使用该工具对报告进行评分,以检查任何HCV护理连续性步骤的测试,与护理的联系以及在疗效-疗效谱上的治疗。综合分数以表格格式和堆积点图形式显示。结果:将经过调整的PRECIS-II仪器应用于37份独特的报告,这些报告提供了有关51项HCV护理连续性测试结果(n = 16),与护理的联系(n = 12)和治疗(n = 23)的数据。分别针对一项,两项或全部三种结果共制作了28、6和3份报告。十项和八项研究分别描述自己具有疗效或有效性设计。没有指定33。关于测试,与护理的联系和治疗产生的报告的PRECIS-II综合评分范围广泛:1.22–5。检验HCV治疗的报告的综合评分表明,研究设计趋向于有效(3.35),但是那些检验测试(3.85)或连锁(3.8)的研究具有更高的有效性研究设计(分别为P = 0.003,P = 0.013)。结论:经过审查的报告在功效/功效研究设计的使用上差异很大,这表明系统的综述和荟萃分析需要在功效/功效研究设计中考虑异质性。大多数报告都倾向于适度地进行有效性设计,而治疗研究则包含了大多数有效性研究设计要素。当使用PRECIS-II仪器评估大量报告时,堆积的点状图可能会在视觉上帮助描绘分数范围。这项评论表明,在人群水平上对使用吸毒者进行HCV治疗的有效性的研究存在研究空白。



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