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A retrospective study of the association between Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy and glaucoma




Objective: The goal of this study was to examine a possible clinical association between Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy (FED) and glaucoma suspect (GS)/ocular hypertension (OHT) or open angle glaucoma (OAG).Methods: A retrospective chart review was carried out using data from electronic medical records and paper records from a private ophthalmology clinic in Kansas City, MO, USA. The review included 257 patients with FED and 584 randomly selected controls with no history of endothelial dystrophy. Binomial and multinomial regression using generalized estimating equations was used to create models to examine the correlation between FED diagnosis/severity and glaucoma diagnosis/type of glaucoma adjusted for age, sex, presence of diabetes, number of guttae, and intraocular pressure (IOP).Results: No statistically significant increase in prevalence of either OHT or GS/OHT compared to controls was observed (P>0.3). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between increasing age and IOP with increased glaucoma prevalence (P0.09), and was actually significantly negatively correlated to worsening glaucoma subtype for category 2 FED patients (P<0.05). Diabetes was not associated with the prevalence of either glaucoma or its subtypes of GS/OHT or OAG.Conclusion: The correlation between FED and glaucoma has been controversial. This study showed no statistically significant association between FED and glaucoma by prevalence or severity of FED as measured by corneal guttae. Further study is needed to determine if a connection between FED and glaucoma does exist, and if so, whether this relationship may impact earlier the detection and treatment of disease.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是检查Fuchs内皮营养不良(FED)与可疑青光眼(GS)/高眼压(OHT)或开角型青光眼(OAG)之间的可能临床联系。方法:进行回顾性图表审查使用电子病历中的数据和美国密苏里州堪萨斯城一家私人眼科诊所的纸质记录进行分析。该评价包括257例FED患者和584例无内皮营养不良病史的随机选择对照组。使用广义估计方程式的二项式和多项式回归来创建模型,以检查FED诊断/严重度与青光眼诊断/青光眼类型/年龄,性别,糖尿病的存在,牙龈炎的数量和眼内压(IOP)的相关性。结果:与对照组相比,OHT或GS / OHT的患病率没有统计学上的显着增加(P> 0.3)。青光眼患病率增加与年龄和眼压之间存在统计学上的显着正相关(P0.09),而对于2类FED患者,其与恶化的青光眼亚型呈显着负相关(P <0.05)。糖尿病与青光眼或其GS / OHT或OAG亚型的患病率无关。结论:FED与青光眼之间的相关性一直存在争议。这项研究表明,通过角膜牙龈的测量,FED的患病率或严重程度与FED和青光眼之间无统计学意义的关联。需要做进一步的研究来确定FED和青光眼之间是否存在联系,如果存在,这种关系是否会影响疾病的早期发现和治疗。



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