首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health >Correction to “Barriers to Obtaining Sera and Tissue Specimens of African-American Women for the Advancement of Cancer Research”

Correction to “Barriers to Obtaining Sera and Tissue Specimens of African-American Women for the Advancement of Cancer Research”




The authors have drawn to the attention of the editor in chief of the journal errors in the following paper: Katherine J. Strissel, Dequina A. Nicholas, Myriam Castagne-Charlotin, Naomi Ko and Gerald V. Denis. Barriers to Obtaining Sera and Tissue Specimens of African-American Women for the Advancement of Cancer Research. Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health. 2016;Suppl 1:57–61. doi:10.4137/CMWH.S34698.Table 1 of the paper contains several errors. The values given for numbers of metabolically healthy obese patients by BMI group were incorrect. The correct values for each category are shown below.The editor in chief thanks the authors for bringing these errors to the attention of the journal.Table 1. Prevalence of metabolically healthy and abnormal obese AA women.Table 1. Prevalence of metabolically healthy and abnormal obese AA women.View larger version
机译:作者在以下论文中引起期刊错误的主要编辑的注意:Katherine J. Strissel,Dequina A. Nicholas,Myriam Castagne-Charlotin,Naomi Ko和Gerald V. Denis。获得非裔美国女性血清和组织标本以促进癌症研究的障碍。临床医学见解:妇女健康。 2016年;增刊1:57-61。 doi:10.4137 / CMWH.S34698。论文的表1包含几个错误。 BMI组为代谢健康肥胖患者提供的数值不正确。每个类别的正确值如下所示。主编感谢作者将这些错误引起期刊的关注。表1.代谢健康和异常肥胖AA妇女的患病率。表1.代谢健康和异常肥胖妇女的患病率肥胖的AA妇女。查看大图



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