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Pantoprazole for the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding and Prevention of Rebleeding




Adding proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to endoscopic therapy has become the mainstay of treatment for peptic ulcer bleeding, with current consensus guidelines recommending high-dose intravenous (IV) PPI therapy (IV bolus followed by continuous therapy). However, whether or not high-dose PPI therapy is more effective than low-dose PPI therapy is still debated. Furthermore, maintaining pH ≥ 4 appears to prevent mucosal bleeding in patients with acute stress ulcers; thus, stress ulcer prophylaxis with acid-suppressing therapy has been increasingly recommended in intensive care units (ICUs). This review evaluates the evidence for the efficacy of IV pantoprazole, a PPI, in preventing ulcer rebleeding after endoscopic hemostasis, and in controlling gastric pH and protecting against upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in high-risk ICU patients. The review concludes that IV pantoprazole provides an effective option in the treatment of upper GI bleeding, the prevention of rebleeding, and for the prophylaxis of acute bleeding stress ulcers.
机译:在内窥镜治疗中添加质子泵抑制剂(PPI)已成为消化性溃疡出血治疗的主要手段,目前的共识指南建议大剂量静脉内(IV)PPI治疗(静脉推注,然后连续治疗)。然而,高剂量的PPI疗法是否比低剂量的PPI疗法更有效尚有争议。此外,维持pH≥4似乎可以预防急性应激性溃疡患者的粘膜出血。因此,在重症监护病房(ICU)中,越来越多地建议使用酸抑制疗法来预防应激性溃疡。这篇综述评估了IV top托拉唑(一种PPI)在预防高危ICU患者内镜止血后溃疡再出血,控制胃液pH值以及预防上消化道(GI)出血方面的功效的证据。该综述得出结论,静脉注射pan托拉唑在治疗上消化道出血,预防再出血以及预防急性出血性应激性溃疡方面提供了有效的选择。



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