首页> 外文期刊>City Dental College Journal >Correlation between Degenerative Changes and Osteoporosis in Lumbar Spine of Elderly Women in Dhaka city, Bangladesh

Correlation between Degenerative Changes and Osteoporosis in Lumbar Spine of Elderly Women in Dhaka city, Bangladesh




Aims: Degenerative joint diseases and decreased bone mass i.e.?? osteoporosis are two common age related skeletal disorders?? responsible for pain and disability. Bangladesh has a high incidence?? of osteoporosis and the incidence particularly in women, occurs?? among a relatively younger age group than in the developed world.?? However little is known about the correlation between degenerative?? changes and osteoporosis in lumbar spine of elderly women. The?? purpose of this study was to clarify this relationship in elderly women?? of Dhaka, Bangladesh.?? Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the department?? of radiology and imaging of Bangladesh institute of research and?? rehabilitation in diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders?? (BIRDEM), Dhaka during the period of 1st January, 2009 to 31st?? December, 2010. DEXA scan of spine and BMD measurement were?? done at a renowned private hospital of Dhaka. Total 63 elderly female?? aged between 50-75 years were randomly selected for this study.?? Results: An inverse relationship between osteoporosis and?? spondylosis in postmenopausal women as evaluated by bone?? mineral density and semiquantitative scoring of spinal degeneration?? was observed. A significant negative correlation (r=-0.53:p0.05)?? was found between T-score and grade.
机译:目的:退化性关节疾病和骨量减少,即??骨质疏松症是两种常见的与年龄有关的骨骼疾病?对疼痛和残疾负责。孟加拉国发病率很高?骨质疏松症的发生和发病率,尤其是女性,发生???相对于发达国家而言,年龄相对较小。然而,关于退行性的相关性知之甚少?女性腰椎的改变和骨质疏松症。 ??这项研究的目的是澄清老年妇女的这种关系?孟加拉国达卡市。方法:在该部门进行了横断面研究?孟加拉国研究所的放射学和影像学专业?糖尿病,内分泌和代谢疾病的康复? (BIRDEM),达卡在2009年1月1日至31日期间? 2010年12月。对脊柱进行DEXA扫描并测量BMD。在达卡著名的私立医院进行。共有63位老年女性?随机选择年龄在50-75岁之间的人进行这项研究。结果:骨质疏松症与?经骨评估的绝经后妇女的脊椎病?脊柱变性的矿物质密度和半定量评分?被观测到。显着负相关(r = -0.53:p <0.05)?被发现在T分数和年级之间。


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