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Work as a promoter of health




Studies on the relation between health and work tend to highlight the negative and pathological aspects, as if work produces only sickness and alienation. On the contrary, our proposal is to stress how work can also produce health. Based on Canguillem's concept of health, and from the contributions of the so-called "work clinics", we intend to analyze the purpose of work as a promoter of health. Canguilhem affirms that health is not adaptive, as such it does not involve adapting well to the world, but to the creation of tenets of life. For their part, the work clinics provide tools to approximate us to the know-how-to-do produced by workers in their daily work, namely not only how workers adapt to work, but how they create and recreate it permanently Thus, we can think work as a promoter of health where there is room for collective and personal creation, as well as recognition of workers in their activity.
机译:关于健康与工作之间关系的研究倾向于强调负面和病理方面,好像工作只会产生疾病和疏远感。相反,我们的建议是强调工作也可以带来健康。基于Canguillem的健康概念,以及所谓的“工作诊所”的贡献,我们打算分析工作作为健康促进者的目的。 Canguilhem断言健康不是适应性的,因此它并不涉及对世界的适应,而是适应生活宗旨的创造。就其本身而言,工作诊所提供的工具可让我们近似于工人在日常工作中所获得的专业知识,即不仅工人如何适应工作,而且他们如何永久地创造和再创造工作,因此,我们可以认为工作是健康的促进者,那里有集体和个人创造的余地,以及对工人活动的认可。



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