In 2004, the Federal Government introduced the 'Farmácia Popular do Brasil' Program, which was an example of policy innovation, establis'/> The 'Farmácia Popular do Brasil' Program and aspects of public provision of medicines in Brazil
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The 'Farmácia Popular do Brasil' Program and aspects of public provision of medicines in Brazil




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">In 2004, the Federal Government introduced the "Farmácia Popular do Brasil" Program, which was an example of policy innovation, establishing a co-payment scheme as a strategy for access to medication. The study analyzed the original model of the Program. Data were obtained from interviews with key stakeholders, program documents and user prescriptions and registers. The results showed widespread expansion of the PFPB network and in the number of people attended. Despite the ever-increasing number of people attended with prescriptions from the private sector, a large demand from public sector users, namely the original focus of the program, was observed. From the standpoint of the federative pact, the program reinstates the centralized model of essential medication distribution which, in the decentralized public system is under state and municipal responsibility. The results point to the difficulty in compliance by states and municipalities with medication distribution responsibilities, mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. The study concludes that the population has been consistently turning to the PFPB for essential medication it has not been able to access in the public sector.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”> 2004年,联邦政府推出了“巴西农民大众化”计划,这是政策创新的一个例子,共付计划作为获取药物的策略。该研究分析了该计划的原始模型。数据来自与主要利益相关者的访谈,计划文档以及用户处方和注册信息。结果表明PFPB网络的广泛扩展和参加人数。尽管接受私人部门处方的人数不断增加,但观察到公共部门用户的大量需求,即该计划的最初重点。从联邦条约的角度来看,该计划恢复了基本药物分配的集中模型,在分散的公共系统中,该模型由州和市政府负责。结果表明,主要在巴西的北部和东北部地区,各州和市政府难以履行药物分配责任。研究得出的结论是,人们一直在寻求公共部门无法获得的基本药物的PFPB。



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