Work-related diseases o either physical or emotional origin have been on the increase in contemporary society in the different work sectors. They have had a profound impact '/> Decisive factors relating to workload in a primary healthcare unit
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Decisive factors relating to workload in a primary healthcare unit




> face="Verdana" size="2">Work-related diseases o either physical or emotional origin have been on the increase in contemporary society in the different work sectors. They have had a profound impact on health professionals, such as physicians, dentists, nurses, nursing assistants and administrative assistants in the primary healthcare units. This study aimed to establish the decisive factors relating to workload, seeking to identify possible relations between the working conditions and their potential impact on worker health. Thirty-one individuals comprised the sample, namely 12 physicians, 3 dentists, 1 nurse, 9 nursing assistants, 3 dental assistants and 3 business assistants at a PHU (Primary Healthcare Unit) in a city in the interior of the State of São Paulo. For the data collection, structured interviews were conducted through meetings with the specific groups of workers, such that a detailed description of the activities performed by each group could be drafted, as well as a survey of the problems and desirable features involved. The results indicated the presence of physical, cognitive and psychological demands; inadequate communication processes; obsolete equipment; excessive number of users and an inefficient structure to deal with absenteeism.
机译:> face =“ Verdana” size =“ 2”>与工作相关的疾病,无论是身体原因还是情感原因,在不同的工作领域中都在不断增长。它们对卫生专业人员产生了深远的影响,例如初级保健单位的医生,牙医,护士,护理助理和行政助理。这项研究旨在确定与工作量有关的决定性因素,力求确定工作条件及其对工人健康的潜在影响之间的可能关系。在圣保罗州内城的一个PHU(初级医疗保健部门)中,有31名个体组成了样本,即12名医生,3名牙医,1名护士,9名护理助理,3名牙科助理和3名业务助理。为了收集数据,通过与特定工人小组的会议进行了结构化的访谈,以便可以起草每个小组所从事活动的详细说明,并调查所涉及的问题和所需的特征。结果表明存在身体,认知和心理需求;沟通流程不足;设备陈旧;过多的用户以及缺乏旷工的结构。



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