In 1999, the federal government has committed itself to the IMF with the privatization of the sanitation and other public services, seeking resources to address the fiscal c'/> Collective action and veto players in public policy: the sanitation policy in Brazil (1998-2002)
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Collective action and veto players in public policy: the sanitation policy in Brazil (1998-2002)




> face="verdana" size="2">In 1999, the federal government has committed itself to the IMF with the privatization of the sanitation and other public services, seeking resources to address the fiscal crisis. He proposed the bill 4147/01 as the regulatory framework that would provide the necessary security for investors interested in acquiring the state-owned sanitation enterprises. Against this initiative, a coalition of industry interests mobilized in order to veto the adoption of privatization: the National Front for Environmental Sanitation (FNSA). This paper identifies the actors, the agenda and the interests involved in this political coalition. It shows that the coalition acted decisively as an instance of veto, limiting the effects of the agreement with the IMF on the public policy of sanitation in Brazil this time.
机译:> face =“ verdana” size =“ 2”> 1999年,联邦政府对IMF进行了承诺,将卫生设施和其他公共服务私有化,以寻求解决财政危机的资源。他提出了4147/01号法案,将其作为监管框架,为有意收购国有卫生企业的投资者提供必要的安全保障。反对该倡议的是,为了反对否决私有化而动员了一个行业利益联盟:国家环境卫生总阵线(FNSA)。本文确定了这个政治联盟中的参与者,议程和利益。它表明该联盟果断地采取了否决行动,这限制了这次与国际货币基金组织达成的协议对巴西公共卫生政策的影响。



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