首页> 外文期刊>Barnelitter?rt Forskningstidsskrift >“Med Flid opdigtet”? Om bruken av fabler i Avis for B?rn (Kbh. 1779–1782)

“Med Flid opdigtet”? Om bruken av fabler i Avis for B?rn (Kbh. 1779–1782)




This essay is an investigation into the use of the fable genre in a Danish children's magazine, Avis for B?rn (Journal for the children), published in Copenhagen 1779–1782 by the philanthropist and editor Emanuel Balling. The main purpose is to indicate that the classical, Aesopian genre to some extent was transformed and adapted to fit into the didactic and religious purpose dominating this journal. Some examples from the old lore are given to substantiate the assumption that the attitude of the fable mainly was a very pragmatic one, without the moral and religious orientation typical of the stories presented in Avis for B?rn . In nature, Avis for B?rn would admire the reign of a benevolent God, while in ancient fable nature is a place reigned by brutes and by arbitrary bestiality. Nevertheless, the journal chose to make some meaningful, yet strained use of the genre, without twisting the genre into pastoral sentimentality, a tendency that during the 19th century in children's literature became predominant.
机译:本文是丹麦慈善家兼编辑伊曼纽尔·鲍林(Emanuel Balling)在1779–1782年在哥本哈根出版的丹麦儿童杂志《儿童的阿维斯》(Avis for B?rn)中对寓言类型使用情况的调查。主要目的是表明古典的伊索风格在某种程度上已经得到了改造和调整,以适应主导该杂志的教学和宗教目的。给出了一些旧传说中的例子,以证实这一假设:寓言的态度主要是一种非常务实的态度,没有《阿维斯为伯恩》中故事的典型的道德和宗教取向。在自然界中,伯恩斯的阿维斯(Avis)会敬佩一个仁慈的上帝的统治,而在古代寓言中,自然界则是一个由蛮族和任意兽交统治的地方。尽管如此,该杂志还是选择了某种有意义但紧张的使用方式,而又没有将这种方式转变为田园感性,这种趋势在19世纪的儿童文学中占据了主导地位。



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