首页> 外文期刊>Case Reports in Infectious Diseases >Candida albicansFungaemia following Traumatic Urethral Catheterisation in a Paraplegic Patient with Diabetes Mellitus and Candiduria Treated by Caspofungin

Candida albicansFungaemia following Traumatic Urethral Catheterisation in a Paraplegic Patient with Diabetes Mellitus and Candiduria Treated by Caspofungin




A 58-year-old paraplegic male, with long-term indwelling urethral catheter, developed catheter block. The catheter was changed, but blood-stained urine was drained intermittently. A long segment of the catheter was seen lying outside his penis, which indicated that the balloon of Foley catheter had been inflated in urethra. The misplaced catheter was removed and a new catheter was inserted correctly. Gentamicin 160 mg was given intravenously; meropenem 1 gram every eight hours was prescribed; antifungals were not given. Twenty hours later, this patient developed distension of abdomen, tachycardia, and hypotension; he was not arousable. Computed tomography of abdomen revealed inflamed uroepithelium of right renal pelvis and ureter, 4 mm lower ureteric calculus with gas in right ureter proximally, and vesical calculus containing gas in its matrix. Urine and blood culture yieldedCandida albicans. Identical sensitivity pattern of both isolates suggested that the source of the bloodstream infection was most likely urine. Both isolates formed consistently high levels of biofilm formationin vitroas assessed using a biofilm biomass stain, and high levels of resistance to voriconazole were observed. Both amphotericin B and caspofungin showed good activity against the biofilms. HbA1c was 111 mmol/mol. This patient was prescribed human soluble insulin and caspofungin 70 mg followed by 50 mg daily intravenously. He recovered fully from candidemia.
机译:一名58岁截瘫男性,长期留置尿道导管,发展为导管阻塞。更换导管,但血尿尿断断续续地排出。看到一长段导管位于他的阴茎外侧,这表明Foley导管的球囊已在尿道中膨胀。放错了位置的导管,正确插入了新导管。庆大霉素160mg静脉注射;每八小时服用美洛培南1克;没有给予抗真菌药。二十小时后,该患者出现腹胀,心动过速和低血压。他不是很清醒。腹部计算机断层扫描显示右肾盂和输尿管发炎的尿路上皮,右下输尿管近端有4mm输尿管结石,基质中有气体。尿液和血液培养产生白色念珠菌。两种分离物的敏感性模式相同,表明血流感染的来源很可能是尿液。使用生物膜生物质染色评估,两种分离物在体外均一贯形成高水平的生物膜形成,并且观察到对伏立康唑的高水平抗性。两性霉素B和卡泊芬净均对生物膜表现出良好的活性。 HbA1c为111 mmol / mol。对该患者开了人类可溶性胰岛素和卡泊芬净的处方,剂量为70微克,然后每天静脉注射50微克。他从念珠菌病中完全康复。



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