首页> 外文期刊>CES Medicina >NEUMONA POR LEGIONELLA EN PACIENTE CON LEUCEMIA PRESENTACIN DE CASO Y REVISIN DE LAS NEUMONAS.(Pulmonary legionellosis in a two patients with leukemia. Case report)

NEUMONA POR LEGIONELLA EN PACIENTE CON LEUCEMIA PRESENTACIN DE CASO Y REVISIN DE LAS NEUMONAS.(Pulmonary legionellosis in a two patients with leukemia. Case report)




Presentamos dos casos de pacientes con leucemia linfoblstica en tratamiento con quimioterapia (HyperCVAD), el primero y el segundo en recada con IdaFlag, quienes en fase de neutropenia desarrollan cuadro de neumona adquirida hospitalariamente con consolidacin neumnica fiebre alta y pocos sntomas respiratorios El antgeno urinario para Legionella pneumophila serotipo 1 result positivo por tcnica de inmunocromatog rafa. Con tratamiento especfico con claritromicina resolvieron sus sntomasAbstract: We present two cases of patients with lymphoblastic leukemia; the first one is been treated with chemotherapy (hyperCVAD) and the second is in a relapse with IdaFlag, both, in neutropenia phase developed pneumonia acquired in the hospital with pneumonic consolidation, high fever and few respiratory symptoms. Legionella urinary antigen serogroup 1 was positive for the immunechromatography technique. Specific treatment with macrolides was given and the symptoms were solved.



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