首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C prevalence among patients with mental illness: a review of the literature

HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C prevalence among patients with mental illness: a review of the literature




A limited number of studies worldwide have investigated the prevalence of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C infection among psychiatric patients. However, prevalence of these infections in the population with chronic mental illness has not been clearly established. Most of the published papers are from developed countries and have derived from relatively small and non-representative samples. We performed a systematic review of the published literature to identify studies on these infectious diseases within psychiatric populations in Brazil and other developing countries. Overall, prevalence rates varied from 0% to 29% for HIV; 1.6% to 66% for HBV; 0.4% to 38% for HCV; and 1.1% to 7.6% for syphilis. Several risk factors were identified and discussed, although sampling limitations restrict the generalization of study findings. This review highlights the lack of information on the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases and their associated factors among persons with chronic mental illness and identifies gaps in the knowledge base in both developing and developed countries.
机译:全球范围内的有限数量的研究调查了精神病患者中HIV,梅毒以及乙肝和丙肝感染的患病率。然而,尚未明确确定这些感染在慢性精神疾病人群中的流行。大多数已发表的论文都来自发达国家,并且来自相对较小且没有代表性的样本。我们对已发表的文献进行了系统的综述,以确定在巴西和其他发展中国家的精神病人群中有关这些传染病的研究。总体而言,艾滋病毒的患病率从0%到29%不等; HBV为1.6%至66%; HCV为0.4%至38%;梅毒占1.1%至7.6%。尽管抽样限制了研究结果的普遍性,但已确定并讨论了几个风险因素。这篇评论着重指出缺乏关于慢性精神疾病患者中性传播疾病的流行及其相关因素的信息,并指出了发展中国家和发达国家知识库中的空白。



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