首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics >An Improved Estimation Procedure for Estimating the Proportion of a Population Possessing Sensitive Attribute in Unrelated Question Randomized Response Technique

An Improved Estimation Procedure for Estimating the Proportion of a Population Possessing Sensitive Attribute in Unrelated Question Randomized Response Technique




This paper considers the problem of estimating πA, the pro-portion of human population possessing the sensitive attribute A, using theunrelated question randomized response technique envisaged by Horvitz et.al. (1967) and Greenberg et. al. (1969). A family of estimators .πHof pop-ulation proportion πAis defined. The bias and mean squared error (MSE)of the proposed estimator .πHare obtained. "Optimum estimator" in thefamily of estimators .πHis investigated. It has been shown that the "opti-mum estimator" is always better than usual estimator. Since the optimumestimator depends on the "optimum value" of the scalar H, which is functionof unknown population parameters, so it has little practical utility. From thepractical point of view, various estimators of πAbased on di.erent estimatedoptimum values of H have been proposed with their properties. E.cienciesof the proposed estimators have been worked out numerically
机译:本文考虑了利用Horvitz等人设想的无关问题随机响应技术来估计具有敏感属性A的人口比例πA的问题。 (1967)和格林伯格等。等(1969)。定义了一个估计量族πA的估计量。获得了拟议估计量的偏差和均方误差(MSE)。估计量家族中的“最佳估计量”。已经表明,“最优估计器”总是比通常的估计器更好。由于最佳估计量取决于标量H的“最佳值”,它是未知总体参数的函数,因此实用价值很小。从实践的角度来看,已经提出了基于H的不同估计最优值的各种πA估计量及其性质。拟议估计量的效率已通过数值计算得出



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