首页> 外文期刊>BMC Psychiatry >Trends in GP prescribing of psychotropic medications among young patients aged 16–24?years: a case study analysis

Trends in GP prescribing of psychotropic medications among young patients aged 16–24?years: a case study analysis




Background Current clinical guidelines recommend non-pharmacological interventions as first-line treatments for young patients aged 16–24?years with a mental health condition (MHC). However, several studies have noted increasing trends in psychotropic prescribing for this age group, especially in antidepressant prescribing. In Australia, the vast majority of psychotropic medications prescribed to young people come from the general practice setting. To assess whether Australian General Practitioners (GPs) are prescribing in accordance with clinical guideline recommendations, this study examined trends in GP prescribing of psychotropic medications to young patients aged 16–24?years. Methods We performed a retrospective analysis of routine general practice data from 9112 patients aged 16–24?years with a MHC. Data were extracted from the Melbourne East Monash General Practice Database from 1/01/2009 to 31/12/2014. The main outcome measures included the number of consultations for patients with MHCs, psychotropic prescribing by GPs, and patient characteristics associated with the likelihood of being prescribed a psychotropic. Results In total, 9112 out of a total of 77,466 young patients were identified as having a MHC in this study, and 11,934 psychotropic prescriptions were provided to 3967 (43.5%) of them over the study period. Antidepressants accounted for 81.4% of total psychotropic prescriptions, followed by anxiolytics (9.6%) and antipsychotics (9.0%). The number of prescriptions issued to individuals with MHCs increased over time. Women and patients aged 21–24?years had higher incidence rates for prescription than men and those aged 16–17 (IRR: 1.15, 95% CI 1.08–1.22, IRR: 1.93, 95% CI 1.750–2.11). Conclusions Our findings demonstrate an increasing trend in GP prescribing of psychotropics to young people over the study period with higher levels of prescribing to women and those 21–24?years of age. Although GP prescribing corresponded with guideline recommendations on the whole, there were discrepancies between GP’s antidepressant prescribing and guideline recommendations, reasons for which were unclear. Research is needed to investigate GPs decision-making processes underlying their prescribing, to target interventions to improve existing data in GP records to improve management, and to identify areas of further training if needed to facilitate greater concordance between clinical practice and guideline recommendations.
机译:背景技术当前的临床指南建议将非药物干预作为精神健康状况(MHC)年龄16至24岁的年轻患者的一线治疗方法。但是,一些研究指出,针对该年龄组的精神处方,特别是抗抑郁药处方,趋势越来越大。在澳大利亚,为年轻人开出的绝大多数精神科药物来自全科医生。为了评估澳大利亚的全科医生(GPs)是否按照临床指南的建议开处方,本研究调查了16-24岁的年轻患者的GP精神药物开处方的趋势。方法我们对9112名16-24岁的MHC患者的常规常规数据进行了回顾性分析。数据摘自2009年1月1日至2014年12月31日的墨尔本东莫纳什普通实践数据库。主要结果指标包括对MHC患者的咨询次数,全科医生的精神处方以及与开精神处方的可能性有关的患者特征。结果在本研究中,总计77,466名年轻患者中有9112名被确认患有MHC,并且在研究期间向其中3967名(43.5%)提供了11,934张精神处方。抗抑郁药占精神药物总处方的81.4%,其次是抗焦虑药(9.6%)和抗精神病药(9.0%)。随时间推移,发给患有MHC的个人的处方数量有所增加。 21-24岁的女性和患者的处方发生率高于男性和16-17岁的患者(IRR:1.15,95%CI 1.08-1.22,IRR:1.93,95%CI 1.750-1.21)。结论我们的研究结果表明,在研究期内,向年轻人提供GP精神药物的趋势有所增加,其中妇女和21至24岁年龄段的精神药物的处方水平较高。尽管GP的处方总体上与指南的建议相符,但是GP的抗抑郁药处方与指南的建议之间存在差异,原因尚不清楚。需要进行研究以调查GP处方依据的决策过程,针对干预措施以改善GP记录中的现有数据以改善管理,并确定是否需要进一步培训的领域,以促进临床实践与指南建议之间的更大一致性。



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