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Recent advances in the management of major obstetric haemorrhage




Major Obstetric haemorrhage (MOH) remains one of the leading causes of maternal mortality & morbidity worldwide. In the 2003-2005 report of the UK Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths, haemorrhage was the third highest direct cause of maternal death (6.6 deaths/million maternities) with the rate similar to the previous triennium 1, 2. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) accounts for the majority of these deaths. This triennium, 2006-2008, unlike in previous reports there has been a change in the rankings of direct deaths by cause. Deaths from haemorrhage have dropped, to sixth place, following genital tract sepsis, preeclampsia, thromboembolism, amniotic fluid embolism and early pregnancy deaths 3. A well-defined multidisciplinary approach that aims to act quickly has probably been the key to successful management of MOH. In the developing world, several countries have maternal mortality rates in excess of 1000 women per 100,000 live births, and WHO statistics suggests that 25 % of maternal deaths are due to PPH, accounting for more than 100,000 maternal deaths per year 4.The blood loss may be notoriously difficult to assess in obstetric bleeds 5, 6. Bleeding may sometimes be concealed & presence of amniotic fluid makes accurate estimation challenging.
机译:严重产科出血(MOH)仍然是全球孕产妇死亡率和发病率的主要原因之一。在英国《孕产妇死亡机密调查》的2003-2005年报告中,出血是孕产妇死亡的第三大直接原因(6.6死亡/百万寿险),其发生率与上一个三年期 1、2 相似。产后出血(PPH)占这些死亡的大部分。与以前的报告不同,2006-2008三年期的直接死亡按原因分类的排名有所变化。生殖道败血症,先兆子痫,血栓栓塞,羊水栓塞和妊娠早期死亡 3 ,使出血死亡人数下降到第六位。旨在迅速采取行动的明确定义的多学科方法可能已成为成功管理卫生部的关键。在发展中国家,有几个国家的孕产妇死亡率超过每100,000例活产1000名妇女,世界卫生组织的统计数据表明,孕产妇死亡的25%是PPH造成的,占每年100,000例孕产妇死亡 4 < / SUP>。众所周知,在产科出血中 5,6 失血可能很难评估。有时可能会隐藏出血,并且羊水的存在使准确的估算具有挑战性。



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