首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Medical Practitioners >Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): Important parameters which influence its effectiveness

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): Important parameters which influence its effectiveness




Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is usually given to people with severe depression which has not responded to other forms of treatment such as anti-depressants. However, it is sometimes used for people with a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia. It was originally developed in the 1930s and was used widely during the 1950s and 1960s for a variety of conditions. ECT consists of passing an electrical current through the brain to produce an epileptic fit – hence the name, electro-convulsive. The idea developed from the observation that, in the days before there was any kind of effective medication, some people with depression or schizophrenia, and who also had epilepsy, seemed to feel better after having a fit. The mechanism of action of ECT is not fully known. ECT affects multiple central nervous system components, including hormones, neuropeptides, neurotropic factors, and neurotransmitters. The induction of a bilateral generalized seizure is required for both the beneficial and adverse effects of ECT. Certain parameters like seizure duration, electric stimuli, seizure threshold, ECT practice factors and medication can influence its efficacy or effectiveness. This study aims to review the evidence base of these parameters in detail
机译:电痉挛疗法(ECT)通常用于重度抑郁症患者,对其他形式的治疗如抗抑郁药没有反应。但是,它有时用于诊断为躁郁症或精神分裂症的人。它最初于1930年代开发,并在1950年代和1960年代广泛用于各种条件。 ECT包括使电流流过大脑以产生癫痫发作,因此被称为电惊厥。这个想法是根据观察发现的,在没有任何有效药物治疗的日子里,一些患有抑郁症或精神分裂症并且也患有癫痫病的人在适应之后似乎会感觉好些。 ECT的作用机理尚不完全清楚。 ECT影响多种中枢神经系统成分,包括激素,神经肽,神经营养因子和神经递质。 ECT的正面和反面都需要诱发双侧全身性癫痫发作。某些参数(例如癫痫发作持续时间,电刺激,癫痫发作阈值,ECT实践因素和药物)可能会影响其疗效。这项研究旨在详细审查这些参数的证据基础



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