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W. Somerset Maugham?s Letters to Lady Aberconway in the British Library

机译:萨默塞特·毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)在大英图书馆给阿伯康韦夫人的信



The Western Manuscripts collection of the British Library possesses a series of original letters from W. Somerset Maugham (1874–1965) to Christabel, Lady Aberconway (1890–1974) that has not been registered in bibliographies of Maugham’s manuscripts and private letters. Maugham’s biographers only mention the relationship between the two correspondents as fellow dinner guests. However, these letters, written over a period of thirty years, show that Maugham was teasing and playful with his friend, enjoyed her company, and was moved by her letters. This article outlines briefly Lady Aberconway’s life for understanding Maugham's letters and discusses several details of interest for the study of the author’s life and work.
机译:大英图书馆的西洋手稿收藏有一系列原著信,从W. Somerset Maugham(1874–1965)致Christabel,Lady Aberconway(1890–1974),尚未在Maugham的手稿和私人书目中进行注册。毛姆(Maugham)的传记作者只提到晚餐时两位记者之间的关系。然而,这些长达三十多年的信件表明,毛姆与他的朋友取笑和嬉戏,享受着她的陪伴,并被她的信件所感动。本文简要概述了阿伯康韦夫人的生活,以理解毛姆的书信,并讨论了研究作者的生活和工作所感兴趣的几个细节。



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