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Matthew Paris, Visual Exegesis, and Apocalyptic Birds in Royal MS. 14 C. VII

机译:马修·巴黎(Matthew Paris),《视觉解释学》和《皇家MS中的启示鸟》。 14 C.七



This article argues that the prefatory maps in Royal MS. 14 C. VII act as a visual distillation of the vast system of emblems in the margins of the other Chronica Majora manuscripts. Recently, scholars have discussed Matthew Paris’s visual marginalia as reading devices and finding aids that distill sections of written text into single images. This article expands that conversation by arguing that the imagery in the prefatory maps of Royal 14 C. VII is even more condensed and refined, focusing on how apocalyptic birds painted in the manuscript link England with the crusader East. Specifically, the apocalyptic birds of Royal MS. 14 C. VII link geographical space and marginal commentaries on the Historia Anglorum and Chronica Majora with Joachim of Fiore’s eschatological historiography in particular and Franciscan cosmology in general. In essence, these condensed visual images are forms of visual exegesis – a type of visual reading theorized by Paolo Berdini. As a result, Royal MS. 14 C. VII’s prefatory maps reorient cartographic hierarchies and entwine the contemporary crusader present with the apocalyptic future.
机译:本文认为,皇家MS中的掠夺性地图。 14 C. VII是在其他Chronica Majora手稿边缘的大量徽记的视觉蒸馏。最近,学者们讨论了Matthew Paris的视觉边缘现象作为阅读工具,并找到了将文字文字的各个部分提炼成单个图像的辅助工具。本文通过论证皇家14 C. VII掠夺性地图中的图像更加浓缩和精炼来扩大对话范围,着眼于手稿上描绘的世界末日鸟如何将英格兰与东正十字军联系起来。特别是皇家MS的世界末日鸟。 14 C. VII结合了地理空间和有关盎格鲁历史和马略卡岛的边缘评论,尤其是菲奥里的末世史学的乔阿希姆,以及一般的方济各世的宇宙学。本质上,这些浓缩的视觉图像是视觉诠释的形式-一种由Paolo Berdini理论化的视觉阅读形式。结果,皇家MS。 14 C. VII的掠夺性地图重新定位了地图的层次结构,并融合了当今启示录与未来世界的融合。



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