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John Jaffray: Victorian Bookbinder, Chartist and Trade Unionist

机译:约翰·贾弗里(John Jaffray):维多利亚时代的装订人,宪章主义者和工会主义者



John Jaffray (1811-1869) was a journeyman – a qualified binder – who did not own his own business but worked for others. His professional life as a finisher took him to numerous workshops in central London. He was also an historian of his trade, collecting ephemera and the memories of men long since retired, which stretched back to the famous strike of 1786. He has left fascinating vignettes of shop floor politics, and he inspired his friends to add to the archive after his death. The ephemera thus collected were bound into a series of scrapbooks which comprise part of the collection now in the British Library.
机译:约翰·贾弗里(John Jaffray,1811-1869年)是一名熟练的装订工,他没有自己的生意,却为他人工作。作为整理者的职业生涯使他参加了伦敦市中心的许多工作坊。他还是他的贸易的历史学家,收集了短暂的生命和人们退休后的记忆,这种记忆可以追溯到1786年的著名罢工。他留下了引人入胜的车间政治风光,并激发了他的朋友们添加到档案中他死后。如此收集到的临时植物被绑定到一系列剪贴簿中,这些剪贴簿现在是大英图书馆藏书的一部分。



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