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Accounts of Debates in the House of Commons, March-April 1731, Supplementary to the Diary of the First Earl of Egmont




John Perceval (1685–1748), 1st Viscount Perceval and (from 1733) 1st Earl of Egmont, was an assiduous recorder of his own life and times. His diaries, published by the Historical Manuscripts Commission from manuscripts in the British Library, are the best source for parliamentary debates at Westminster in the 1730s. For the years 1730-1733, when Perceval sat in the Commons (as an Irish peer) they are remarkably full. His practice seems to have been to prepare two versions (presumably on the basis of notes taken in the House), the first attributing speeches to individuals, and the second, entered up in the diary, which listed speakers and summarized all arguments on each side. His letterbooks for 1731 contain accounts of five debates that embody his first editing process, with speeches attributed to individuals. They were sent to an Irish correspondent, Marmaduke Coghill, and largely omitted from the diary because Perceval had already transcribed them elsewhere. They are new to historians and cast light on two main issues: the unsuccessful attempts by Perceval and the ‘Irish lobby’ to persuade the British parliament to settle the Irish woollen trade, a question bedevilling Anglo-Irish relations in this period; and an attempt by the opposition to stir up anger against perceived Spanish aggression against Gibraltar. One of the most interesting features is the insight afforded into the Commons performances of Sir Robert Walpole: his management of debates, his own style of speaking, and his sharp exchanges with opponents like William Pulteney.
机译:约翰·珀塞瓦尔(1685–1748),珀斯瓦尔第一个子爵和埃格蒙特(1733年)第一个伯爵,是他自己的生活和时代的刻苦记录者。他的日记由历史手稿委员会从大英图书馆的手稿中出版,是1730年代威斯敏斯特议会辩论的最佳来源。在1730-1733年间,当Perceval坐在下议院(作为爱尔兰的同龄人)时,他们非常忙碌。他的做法似乎是准备两个版本(大概是基于众议院的笔记),第一个是给个人的演讲,第二个是写在日记里的,列出了发言人并总结了各方的所有论点。 。他的《 1731年通讯录》包含了五次辩论的论述,这些辩论体现了他的第一个编辑过程,演讲内容归功于个人。他们被送到爱尔兰的通讯员马马杜克·科格希尔(Marmaduke Coghill),由于日记已被Perceval抄录,因此在日记中基本上被省略。它们是历史学家的新手,对两个主要问题进行了阐述:珀塞瓦尔(Perceval)的失败尝试和说服英国议会解决爱尔兰羊毛贸易的“爱尔兰游说”,这是困扰这一时期英荷关系的一个问题;反对派企图激怒西班牙人对直布罗陀的侵略。最有趣的特征之一是对罗伯特·沃尔波勒爵士在下议院的表演的见解:他对辩论的处理,他自己的讲话风格以及与威廉·普尔特尼的对手的敏锐交流。



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