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The Duke of Newcastle's Letters on the Fall of Walpole in 1742




Thomas Pelham Holles, Duke of Newcastle, secretary of state and effective leader of the House of Lords in Sir Robert Walpole's whig ministry, was accused by Walpole after his fall in 1742 of having failed the ministry, along with Lord Hardwick, the lord chancellor, by not giving the required support. On the contrary, Newcastle's letters to his wife during the last crisis for the ministry show that he was greatly concerned for the ministry's survival and gave what support he could. These letters appear not to have been used by historians of Walpole's administration.
机译:纽卡斯尔公爵托马斯·佩勒姆·霍尔斯(Thomas Pelham Holles),罗伯特·沃尔波勒爵士的辉格事工大臣,上议院的有效领导人,纽卡斯尔公爵,在1742年倒台后被沃尔波勒指责他的部委,总理哈德威克勋爵失败,通过不提供所需的支持。相反,纽卡斯尔在上次外交部危机中给妻子的信显示,他对外交部的生存深感关切,并给予了他最大的支持。这些信件似乎没有被沃尔波莱(Walpole)政府的历史学家所使用。



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