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Harley MS. 2979 and the Books of Hours Produced in Avignon by the Workshop of Jean de Toulouse

机译:哈雷女士。 2979年和让·德·图卢兹(Jean de Toulouse)讲习班在阿维尼翁生产的时光书



This contribution is centred on Harley MS. 2979, a Book of Hours illuminated in the last decade of the fourteenth century in Avignon, the capital of the antipopes during the Schism. Although now rather worn, it seems to have been one of the finest and most expensive of the Books of Hours from the atelier of Jean de Toulouse known today. The originality of the illuminations in the Calendar shows that it was designed with a specific iconographic programme and not simply re-employing the usual workshop patterns in an almost automatic way. The general appearance of the book, its size, the elegance of the mise-en-page, the choice of more expensive types of letters ? even in the secondary decoration, where lettres champies systematically replace the more common filigree initials ? and the extensive use of precious pigments, with rubrics in gold introducing even the Hours within the Office of the Virgin, show that it was one of the most elegant and expensive books in Jean's production.
机译:该贡献集中在Harley MS上。 2979年,《时光之书》在十四世纪的最后十年在分裂时期反教皇的首都阿维尼翁被阐明。尽管现在已经破旧不堪,但它似乎已成为当今众所周知的让·德·图卢兹(Jean de Toulouse)画室中最好,最昂贵的《时光之书》之一。日历中照明的独创性表明,日历是使用特定的图像程序设计的,而不是简单地以几乎自动的方式重新使用通常的车间模式。这本书的外观,大小,书页的高雅程度,更昂贵的信件类型的选择?即使在二级装饰中,letters champpies会系统地替换较常见的花丝缩写吗?珍贵颜料的广泛使用,以及甚至在圣母玛利亚办公室内的《时报》中都用黄金制成的红宝石,说明这是让恩(Jean)生产中最优雅,最昂贵的书之一。



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