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Aeromonas sobria peritonitis in a peritoneal dialysis (PD) patient: a case report and review of the literature




Peritonitis is a common cause of catheter removal and mortality in the patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD). Various pathogenic organisms have been identified as the etiology of PD-related peritonitis, among which Aeromonas sobria is a rare one. Several studies have indicated that Aeromonas sobria might be of particular clinical significance because of its enterotoxin production. We here present a case of peritonitis due to Aeromonas sobria in a PD patient and review of the related literature. A 37-year-old man with chronic renal failure who was secondary to chronic glomerulonephritis had been on PD for approximately 6?months without any episode of peritonitis. In July 2015, he was admitted to the hospital for fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and cloudy dialysate several hours after eating stinky tofu. The peritoneal effluent culture yielded Aeromonas sobria. The patient was given intraperitoneal amikacin and intravenous levofloxacin for 10?days. And the patient’s symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain were relieved and the cloudy effluent turned to be clear. Unfortunately, peritoneal dialysis catheter was blocked because of fibrin clot formation in the setting of inflammation, and finally it was removed. Aeromonas species are rare causes of PD-related peritonitis, however they should not be ignored. Clinicians should be aware of monitoring the hygiene protocol and retraining patients at regular intervals, especially for such rare cases.
机译:腹膜炎是进行腹膜透析(PD)的患者中拔除导管和致死的常见原因。 PD相关的腹膜炎的病因已被确认为多种病原体,其中气单胞菌是一种罕见的病。几项研究表明,气单胞菌由于其产生肠毒素而可能具有特殊的临床意义。我们在此介绍一例PD患者因气单胞菌引起的腹膜炎,并复习相关文献。一名继发于慢性肾小球肾炎的慢性肾功能衰竭的37岁男子接受PD治疗约6个月,无任何腹膜炎发作。 2015年7月,他在吃了臭豆腐后几个小时因发烧,呕吐,腹痛,腹泻和透析液混浊入院。腹膜流出物培养产生气单胞菌。给予患者腹膜内阿米卡星和静脉注射左氧氟沙星10天。而且,患者的腹泻,腹痛等症状得到缓解,浑浊的污水变得清晰起来。不幸的是,由于发炎时纤维蛋白凝块的形成,腹膜透析导管被阻塞,最后将其移除。气单胞菌种是PD相关性腹膜炎的罕见病因,但不应忽视。临床医生应意识到要监测卫生习惯并定期对患者进行再培训,尤其是在这种罕见情况下。



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