首页> 外文期刊>BMC Pulmonary Medicine >Association of circulating irisin and cardiopulmonary exercise capacity in healthy volunteers: results of the Study of Health in Pomerania

Association of circulating irisin and cardiopulmonary exercise capacity in healthy volunteers: results of the Study of Health in Pomerania




Background Irisin, a recently discovered myokine, is assumed to be secreted by muscle cells in response to exercise and is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism by browning white adipose tissue cells. However, due to the fact that previous studies revealed conflicting results concerning the association between irisin and exercise, the aim of the present study was to investigate the potential relationship between irisin and exercise capacity in a population-based setting. Methods From the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP-TREND) 334 men and 406 women with irisin measurements were selected and a standardised symptom limited cardiopulmonary exercise test was used. Exercise capacity was quantified by oxygen uptake at anaerobic threshold (VO2@AT), peak exercise (peakVO2) and maximum power output at peak exertion. In addition, the oxygen pulse was assessed. ANOVA and multivariable linear regression analyses were performed stratified by sex and adjusted for age, weight, height and smoking. Results In men, we observed inverse associations between irisin serum concentration and exercise capacity assessed by peakVO2 and maximum power output. In contrast, in women a trend towards a positive relationship between irisin and peakVO2 was detected, whereas none of the other parameters showed significant associations with irisin. Conclusion Based on a large population sample, our results did not confirm the previous reported positive linkage between exercise and irisin. Thus the relationship needs further investigation in particular with respect to sex differences.
机译:背景技术Irisin是最近发现的一种肌动蛋白,被认为是肌肉细胞响应运动而分泌的,并通过使白色脂肪组织细胞褐变而参与能量代谢的调节。但是,由于先前的研究揭示了虹膜素与运动之间的关联性相互矛盾的结果,因此本研究的目的是调查基于人群的环境中虹膜素与运动能力之间的潜在关系。方法从以人群为基础的《波美拉尼亚健康研究》(SHIP-TREND)中,选择334名男性和406名女性进行虹膜素测量,并使用标准化的症状受限心肺运动试验。运动能力通过无氧阈值下的摄氧量(VO 2 @AT),最大运动量(peakVO 2 )和最大运动量输出来量化。另外,评估了氧脉冲。按性别分层进行ANOVA和多元线性回归分析,并根据年龄,体重,身高和吸烟情况进行调整。结果在男性中,我们观察到了以峰值VO 2 和最大功率输出评估的虹膜血清浓度与运动能力之间的负相关。相反,在女性中,发现虹膜素与peakVO 2 之间呈正相关的趋势,而其他参数均未显示与虹膜素显着相关。结论基于大量的样本,我们的结果并未证实先前报道的运动与虹膜素之间的正相关性。因此,这种关系需要进一步调查,特别是在性别差异方面。



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