首页> 外文期刊>BMC Ophthalmology >Evaluation of choroidal parameters in eyes at the first onset of acute anterior uveitis

Evaluation of choroidal parameters in eyes at the first onset of acute anterior uveitis




Little is known about choroidal involvement in anterior uveitis. The aim of our study was to evaluate changes in choroidal thickness and volume in eyes with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) using enhanced depth imaging-optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT) at baseline and after treatment, which were compared with healthy fellow eyes. For the study, 35 individuals with unilateral acute AAU at the first onset were enrolled. Subfoveal thickness and choroidal volume were measured with EDI-OCT in nine Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) subfields before and after the completion of treatment. Moreover, axial length measurements of both eye bulbs were determined by optical biometry. No statistically significant differences in choroidal thickness or choroidal volume were detected between AAU eyes at baseline and after treatment and fellow eyes. Positive correlations between the values of anterior chamber flare and absolute CT changes in both temporal and inferior ETDRS fields, as well as in superior outer ring were detected. Negative correlations between age and both choroidal thickness and choroidal volume were detected in AAU eyes at baseline and after treatment, as well as in fellow eyes. Evaluation of the choroid with EDI-OCT does not appear to be a reliable tool for the treatment monitoring of eyes with anterior uveitis.



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