首页> 外文期刊>Design Studies >Design research, architectural research, architectural design research: An argument on disciplinarity and identity

Design research, architectural research, architectural design research: An argument on disciplinarity and identity


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This paper studies the relationship between design and architectural research and questions whether these can be viewed as separate disciplines. It presents an historical review of how this relationship has changed over 40 years. Several interventions, including research assessment, provide a motive to identify architecture as a discipline, however locating a unique 'architectural' element continues to be problematic. This argument advances this debate noting that recent changes, understanding design as movement for societal change and the involvement of non-academics (researcher/practitioners) in practice-based research, open up new epistemic vantage points. In particular it is at the intersection of architectural design research (ADR) and detailed design studies of architects at work that new ways of constructing architectural and designerly knowledge emerge. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了设计与建筑研究之间的关系,并对是否可以将其视为独立的学科提出了疑问。它对这种关系在40多年来的变化进行了历史回顾。包括研究评估在内的多种干预措施提供了将建筑学识别为一门学科的动机,然而,定位独特的“建筑”元素仍然是个问题。这一论点推动了这场辩论的进行,指出最近的变化,将设计理解为社会变化的动向以及非学术界(研究人员/从业人员)参与基于实践的研究打开了新的认识论优势。尤其是在建筑设计研究(ADR)和建筑师在工作中进行详细设计研究的交汇处,出现了构建建筑和设计知识的新方法。 (C)2019 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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