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Mathematical modeling and Bayesian estimation for error-prone retail shelf audits


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Prevalent execution errors such as out-of-stock, inventory record inaccuracy, and product misplacement jeopardize retail performance by causing low on-shelf availability, which discourages not only retailers who have lost sales but also manufacturers who have worked hard to deliver goods into retail stores. Thus, external service companies are hired by manufacturers to conduct manual inspection regularly. Motivated by the practical need of shelf audit service providers, we use a general cost structure to develop a decision support model for periodic inspection. Some qualitative insights about the intricate relationships among inspection efficacy, cost factors, failure rate of shelf inventory integrity, and optimal decisions are derived from analytics assuming risk-neutrality. From simulation experiments we also find that managers' risk preferences have non-trivial impacts on optimal decisions. Based on a total cost standpoint high-quality inspection is predominantly preferred regardless of the level of risk aversion. Finally, we propose a Bayesian statistical model and a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to estimate model parameters such that managers can make empirically informed decisions. Our major contribution lies in developing a mathematical model that is practically applicable and proposing a Bayesian estimation approach to rationalize unobservable model parameters, which are influential to optimal decisions but often arbitrarily assumed by decision makers. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:普遍存在的执行错误,例如缺货,库存记录不准确以及产品放错位置,导致货架上的可用性低,从而损害了零售绩效,不仅挫败了失去销售的零售商,而且也挫败了努力将商品交付零售的制造商商店。因此,制造商会聘请外部服务公司定期进行手动检查。受架子审核服务提供商的实际需求的激励,我们使用一般的成本结构来开发用于定期检查的决策支持模型。关于检验效力,成本因素,货架库存完整性的失效率和最佳决策之间的复杂关系的一些定性见解,是从假设风险中立的分析中得出的。从模拟实验中,我们还发现,经理的风险偏好对最优决策有重要影响。基于总成本的观点,无论风险规避的程度如何,高质量检查都是首选。最后,我们提出了贝叶斯统计模型和马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛方法来估计模型参数,以便管理人员可以根据经验做出决策。我们的主要贡献在于开发一种实用的数学模型,并提出一种贝叶斯估计方法以合理化无法观察的模型参数,这些参数对最优决策有影响,但通常由决策者任意假设。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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