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Noise-aware fingerprint localization algorithm for wireless sensor network based on adaptive fingerprint Kalman filter


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The indoor localization technique is one of the key technologies in the field of wireless sensor network (WSN) research. Fingerprint localization that uses the received signal strength indication (RSSI) is a type of indoor positioning technology that can be applied to a noisy WSN environment. This work proposes a noise-aware fingerprint localization algorithm for WSNs based on an innovative adaptive fingerprint Kalman filter (AFKF), which is effective at refining the computational results of the state-of-the-art fingerprint positioning algorithm in noisy environments. This novel AFKF is composed of a Kalman filter (KF), a noise covariance estimator (NCE) and a fingerprint Kalman filter (FKF). First, the KF filters the RSSI with the measurement noise, and then, the NCE is aware of the noise covariance of the filtered RSSI. Finally, the FKF refines the node position that is estimated by the existing fingerprint localization algorithm according to the filtered RSSI and the perceived noise covariance. Our proposed algorithm not only overcomes the limitation of the current range-based localization algorithm but also solves the problem of the present fingerprint localization algorithm; in other words, it can be applied in a situation in which an accurate RSSI-distance model cannot be established and is applicable to a scenario that has unknown or time-varying noise. The results of practical experiments and numerical simulations show that regardless of how the target nodes are placed or how many beacon nodes there are as well as whether the measurement noise is strong or weak or whether the calibration cell is large or small, the proposed algorithm improves the accuracy of the widely applied fingerprint positioning algorithms by at least 50%. These algorithms include the nearest neighbor algorithm (NN), the K-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN), the weighted K-nearest neighbor algorithm (WKNN), and their refinement algorithms, namely, the position Kalman filter (PKF) and the FKF. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:室内定位技术是无线传感器网络(WSN)研究领域的关键技术之一。使用接收信号强度指示(RSSI)的指纹定位是一种室内定位技术,可以应用于嘈杂的WSN环境。这项工作提出了一种基于创新的自适应指纹卡尔曼滤波器(AFKF)的WSN感知噪声的指纹定位算法,该算法可有效地改进嘈杂环境中最新指纹定位算法的计算结果。这种新颖的AFKF由卡尔曼滤波器(KF),噪声协方差估计器(NCE)和指纹卡尔曼滤波器(FKF)组成。首先,KF用测量噪声对RSSI进行滤波,然后NCE知道滤波后的RSSI的噪声协方差。最后,FKF根据滤波后的RSSI和感知到的噪声协方差来细化由现有指纹定位算法估计的节点位置。我们提出的算法不仅克服了当前基于距离的定位算法的局限性,而且解决了现有指纹定位算法的问题。换句话说,它可以应用于无法建立精确的RSSI距离模型的情况,并且适用于具有未知或随时间变化的噪声的情况。实际实验和数值模拟的结果表明,无论目标节点的放置位置或信标节点的数目多少,以及测量噪声的强弱还是校准单元的大小,该算法均得到了改进。广泛应用的指纹定位算法的准确性至少提高了50%。这些算法包括最近邻算法(NN),K近邻算法(KNN),加权K近邻算法(WKNN)以及它们的优化算法,即位置卡尔曼滤波器(PKF)和FKF。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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