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Copyright's Relevance in the Internet Age: Some Lessons from Aereo, Alice, and Authors Guild


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Lynn White, the late professor of medieval history,1 claimed that the pace of technological change might seem faster to a modern observer but that it has always appeared this way, whether you are a caveman gawking at sparks made by a stone of flint2 or a Mainz burgher marveling at the latest book printed by a local metal smith named Guttenberg. But with due respect to the esteemed historian, one wonders how well his theory is faring in the digital age. When interpreting intellectual property laws, even the finest minds seem to struggle to keep up in a world of exponential innovation. Some recent cases before the US Supreme Court call into question what copyright will mean in the near future. Accordingly, any practitioner with a client whose business involves creative content—and that's an increasingly broad category—should assume little.
机译:已故的中世纪历史教授林恩·怀特(Lynn White)声称,对于现代观察者来说,技术变革的步伐似乎更快,但无论您是凝视by石还是石器的火花,穴居人总是以这种方式出现。美因茨(Manz burgher)惊叹于当地一位名为Guttenberg的金属匠印刷的最新著作。但是,在尊重尊敬的历史学家的情况下,人们想知道他的理论在数字时代的发展情况如何。在解释知识产权法律时,即使是最精明的头脑也似乎难以跟上时代发展的步伐。美国最高法院最近的一些案件质疑版权在不久的将来将意味着什么。因此,与客户一起从事业务涉及创意内容的业务从业人员(这是一个越来越广泛的类别),应该承担很少的责任。



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