首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation >Effect of size on the chaotic behavior of nano resonators

Effect of size on the chaotic behavior of nano resonators


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Present study is devoted to investigate the size effect on chaotic behavior of a micro- electro-mechanical resonator under external electrostatic excitation. Using Galerkin's decomposition method, approximating the actuation force with a new effective lumped model, and neglecting higher order terms in the Taylor-series expansion, a simplified model of the main system is developed. By utilizing the Melnikov's method and based on the new form of the electrostatic force, an expression in terms of the system parameters is developed which can be used to rapidly estimate the chaotic region of the simplified system. Based on the analysis of the simple proposed model, it is shown that the effect of size on chaotic region varies significantly depending on bias voltage. By considering the size effect, it is demonstrated that chaotic vibration initiates at much higher constant voltages than predicted by classical theories; and, in high constant voltages, it is shown that strain gradient theory predicts occurrence of chaos at much lower amplitudes. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:目前的研究致力于研究在外部静电激励下,尺寸对微机电谐振器混沌行为的影响。使用Galerkin的分解方法,用新的有效集总模型逼近驱动力,并忽略泰勒级数展开式中的高阶项,从而开发了主系统的简化模型。通过利用梅尔尼科夫方法,并基于静电力的新形式,开发了一种有关系统参数的表达式,该表达式可用于快速估计简化系统的混沌区域。通过对简单模型的分析,可以看出,尺寸对混沌区域的影响随偏置电压的变化而显着变化。通过考虑尺寸效应,证明了混沌振动是在比经典理论所预测的高得多的恒定电压下引发的。并且,在高恒定电压下,表明应变梯度理论预测在低得多的振幅下会出现混沌。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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