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Campylobacter: Vorkommen und pathogene Bedeutung bei Mensch und Tier


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Campylobacter, mainly C. jejuni and C. coli are one of the most notified causes of human acute infective enteritis in the world. In industrialized countries, the main reservoir for human infections are Campylobacter infections in food-producing animals and the agent enters the food-chain by fecal contamination of food. Poultry, raw milk, and water are considered as the primary sources of infection. Direct transmission may occur due to close contact with animals. In some instances, enteropathogenic Campylobacter cause intestinal and extraintestinal complications with the Guillan-Barre-Syndrome, an acute polyradiculoneuropathy, being the most serious. In animals, thermophilic Campylobacter are cause of sporadic abortions. The enteropathogenicity of Campylobacter in animals is still unclear. C. fetus subspecies fetus causes sporadic abortion in cattle and sheep. Human infections are only rare but are generally serious in consequence due to their septicemic nature. C. fetus subspecies venerealis is the agent of bovine venereal campylobacteriosis, which is clinically characterised by a repeat breeding syndrome and sporadic abortions at 4-7 months of gestation.
机译:弯曲杆菌,主要是空肠弯曲杆菌和大肠杆菌是世界上人类急性感染性肠炎的最广为人知的原因之一。在工业化国家中,人类感染的主要来源是食肉动物中的弯曲杆菌感染,该病原体通过粪便污染食物进入食物链。家禽,生奶和水被认为是主要的感染源。由于与动物的紧密接触,可能发生直接传播。在某些情况下,肠致病性弯曲杆菌会引起肠道和肠道外并发症,其中以急性多发性神经根神经病的格林-巴利综合症最为严重。在动物中,嗜热弯曲杆菌是偶发性流产的原因。弯曲杆菌在动物中的肠致病性尚不清楚。 C.胎儿亚种胎儿会导致牛和羊的零星流产。人类感染仅是罕见的,但由于其败血症性质,其结果通常是严重的。 C.胎儿亚种性病是牛性弯曲杆菌病的病原体,其临床特征是重复繁殖综合征和妊娠4-7个月时的零星流产。



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