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Japan: A Tale of Two Mergers


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Not long ago, Mitsubishi Motors CEO Rolf Eckrodt and Nissan Motors CEO Carlos Ghosn were seen as the kind of managers who could bring radical change to Japan Inc. Their jobs: to fix Mitsubishi and Nissan, midsize car companies with faded brands, awesome debt loads, and uncertain futures. Today, Nissan is one of the hottest car makers on the planet, increasingly admired for its quality and design. Mitsubishi, left in the lurch by controlling investor DaimlerChrysler, may be on its way to the minor leagues. The contrast was underscored on Apr. 26, when Ghosn reported record profits for Nissan, while Eckrodt stepped down at Mitsubishi, which is expected to report a $660 million loss.
机译:不久前,三菱汽车公司首席执行官罗尔夫·埃克罗德(Rolf Eckrodt)和日产汽车公司首席执行官卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)被视为可以为Japan Inc.带来根本性改变的经理。和不确定的期货。如今,日产已成为全球最炙手可热的汽车制造商之一,其质量和设计受到越来越多的推崇。由控制投资者戴姆勒克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)留下的三菱可能正在步入小联盟。 4月26日,当戈恩报告了日产汽车创纪录的利润时,而埃克罗德(Eckrodt)辞职了三菱汽车(Mitsubishi),该公司预计将亏损6.6亿美元。



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