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Sweden Is Not the World's Top Model


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On May 8, Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell gave an interview via Zoom from a parked car. The hot pink cord of the earbuds plugged into his phone flapped distractingly in the foreground. Before this year, it would've been hard to scare up 10 journalists to listen to him or any other epidemiologist, but Tegnell drew 450 reporters and other curious people from 60 countries. An additional 10,000 have since listened to the recording of the colloquy with Joyce Barnathan, president of the International Center for Journalists. The next few weeks or months will tell whether Tegnell's strategy is brilliant or-as many experts outside of Sweden believe-benighted. The Swedish government has deferred to him and his fellow scientists to set the rules for a relaxed semi-shutdown of Swedish society in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Gatherings of more than 50 people are banned, but Swedes have continued eating in restaurants, shopping, going to work, getting haircuts, and sending children under 16 to school. Few Swedes wear masks. Bloomberg Economics expects the economy to shrink 5.6% in 2020, vs. 8.1% for the nations of the euro zone.
机译:5月8日,瑞典国家流行病学家安德斯·特格内尔(Anders Tegnell)通过停放的汽车的Zoom进行了采访。插入手机的耳塞的粉红色热线在前台分散了注意力。在今年之前,很难吓到10名记者听他或任何其他流行病学家的讲话,但是Tegnell吸引了来自60个国家的450名记者和其他好奇的人。此后,又有10,000人与国际新闻工作者中心总裁乔伊斯·巴尔纳森(Joyce Barnathan)一起听了口语的录音。接下来的几周或几个月将告诉您,Tegnell的战略是出色的,还是瑞典以外的许多专家都相信这一点。瑞典政府已推迟批准他和他的同行科学家制定规则,以应对Covid-19流感大流行,从而半休假地关闭瑞典社会。禁止超过50人的聚会,但是瑞典人继续在餐馆吃饭,购物,上班,理发以及将16岁以下的儿童送往学校。很少有瑞典人戴口罩。彭博经济预计,2020年经济将萎缩5.6%,而欧元区国家为8.1%。



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