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The tYNA platform for comparative interactomics: a web tool for managing, comparing and mining multiple networks


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Biological processes involve complex networks of interactions between molecules. Various large-scale experiments and curation efforts have led to preliminary versions of complete cellular networks for a number of organisms. To grapple with these networks, we developed TopNet-like Yale Network Analyzer (tYNA), a Web system for managing, comparing and mining multiple networks, both directed and undirected. tYNA efficiently implements methods that have proven useful in network analysis, including identifying defective cliques, finding small network motifs (such as feed-forward loops), calculating global statistics (such as the clustering coefficient and eccentricity), and identifying hubs and bottlenecks. It also allows one to manage a large number of private and public networks using a flexible tagging system, to filter them based on a variety of criteria, and to visualize them through an interactive graphical interface. A number of commonly used biological datasets have been pre-loaded into tYNA, standardized and grouped into different categories.
机译:生物过程涉及分子之间相互作用的复杂网络。各种大规模的实验和管理工作已经为许多生物带来了完整细胞网络的初步版本。为了应对这些网络,我们开发了类似TopNet的耶鲁网络分析器(tYNA),该网络系统用于管理,比较和挖掘有向和无向的多个网络。 tYNA有效地实施了已证明在网络分析中有用的方法,包括识别有缺陷的团伙,查找较小的网络主题(例如前馈回路),计算全局统计信息(例如聚类系数和偏心率)以及识别中心和瓶颈。它还允许使用一种灵活的标记系统来管理大量的专用和公用网络,根据各种标准对其进行过滤,并通过交互式图形界面对其进行可视化。许多常用的生物学数据集已预先加载到tYNA中,进行了标准化并分为不同的类别。



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