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CUE: The continuous unified electronic diary method


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In the present article, we introduce the continuous unified electronic (CUE) diary method, a longitudinal, event-based, electronic parent report method that allows real-time recording of infant and child behavior in natural contexts. Thirty-nine expectant mothers were trained to identify and record target behaviors into programmed handheld computers. From birth to 18 months, maternal reporters recorded the initial, second, and third occurrences of seven target motor behaviors: palmar grasp, rolls from side to back, reaching when sitting, pincer grip, crawling, walking, and climbing stairs. Compliance was assessed as two valid entries per behavior: 97 % of maternal reporters met compliance criteria. Reliability was assessed by comparing diary entries with researcher assessments for three of the motor behaviors: palmar grasp, pincer grip and walking. A total of 81 % of maternal reporters met reliability criteria. For those three target behaviors, age of emergence was compared across data from the CUE diary method and researcher assessments. The CUE diary method was found to detect behaviors earlier and with greater sensitivity to individual differences. The CUE diary method is shown to be a reliable methodological tool for studying processes of change in human development.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了连续统一电子(CUE)日记方法,这是一种基于事件的纵向纵向电子父母报告方法,该方法可以实时记录自然环境中的婴儿和儿童行为。培训了39名准妈妈,以识别目标行为并将其记录到编程的手持计算机中。从出生到18个月,产妇记者记录了七个目标运动行为的初次,第二次和第三次发生:手掌抓紧,左右翻滚,坐下时到达,钳夹,爬行,行走和爬楼梯。依从性被评估为每个行为两个有效条目:97%的母亲报告者符合依从性标准。通过比较日记条目和研究人员对以下三种运动行为的评估来评估可靠性:手掌抓紧,钳夹抓紧和行走。共有81%的孕产妇报告员符合可靠性标准。对于这三种目标行为,将通过CUE日记方法和研究人员评估的数据对出现年龄进行了比较。发现CUE日记方法可以更早地发现行为,并且对个体差异的敏感性更高。 CUE日记方法被证明是研究人类发展变化过程的可靠方法论工具。



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