首页> 外文期刊>Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on >A Tool for Analysis of Existence of Equilibria and Voltage Stability in Power Systems With Constant Power Loads

A Tool for Analysis of Existence of Equilibria and Voltage Stability in Power Systems With Constant Power Loads


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It is well known that constant power loads in power systems have a destabilizing effect. Their growing presence in modern installations significantly aggravates this issue, hence, motivating the development of new methods to analyze their effect in ac and dc power systems. Formally, this problem can be cast as the analysis of solutions of a set of nonlinear algebraic equations of the form $f(x)=0$, where $f:mathbb {R}^n ightarrow mathbb {R}^n$, to which we associate the differential equation $dot{x}=f(x)$. By invoking advanced concepts of dynamical systems theory and effectively exploiting its monotonicity, the following properties are established: First, prove that, if there are equilibria, there is a distinguished one that is stable and attractive, and give conditions such that it is unique. Second, give a simple online procedure to decide whether equilibria exist or not and to compute the distinguished one. Third, prove that the method is also applicable for the case when the parameters of the system are not exactly known. It is shown how the proposed tool can be applied to the analysis of long-term voltage stability in ac power systems, and to the study of existence of equilibria of multiterminal high-voltage dc systems and dc microgrids.
机译:众所周知,电力系统中的恒定功率负载具有稳定的效果。他们在现代化的情况下越来越大大加剧了这个问题,因此激发了开发新方法,以分析其在交流和直流电力系统中的效果。正式地,该问题可以作为形式的一组非线性代数方程的解决方案分析<内联公式XMLNS:MML =“http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml”xmlns:xlink =“http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink”> $ F(x)= 0 $ , 在哪里<内联公式XMLNS:MML =“http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml”xmlns:xlink =“http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink”> $ F: MathBB {R} ^ n lightarrow mathbb {r} ^ $ ,我们关联微分方程<内联公式XMLNS:MML =“http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml”xmlns:xlink =“http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink”> $ dot {x} = f(x)$ 。通过调用动态系统理论的高级概念并有效利用其单调性,建立了以下属性:首先,证明,如果有平衡,就有一个可区别 一个稳定和有吸引力的一个,并给出条件,使其是独一无二的。其次,给出一个简单的在线程序来决定是否存在均衡,并计算特有的均力。第三,证明该方法也适用于系统的参数不确定的情况。图3示出了如何将所提出的工具应用于AC电力系统中的长期电压稳定性的分析,以及多晶体高压直流系统和DC微电网的平衡存在研究。



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