首页> 外文期刊>Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine >The ratio of ICRP103 to ICRP60 calculated effective doses from CT: Monte Carlo calculations with the ADELAIDE voxel paediatric model and comparisons with published values

The ratio of ICRP103 to ICRP60 calculated effective doses from CT: Monte Carlo calculations with the ADELAIDE voxel paediatric model and comparisons with published values


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The ADELAIDE voxel model of paediatric anatomy was used with the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code to compare effective dose from computed tomography (CT) calculated with both the ICRP103 and ICRP60 definitions which are different in their tissue weighting factors and in the included tissues. The new tissue weighting factors resulted in a lower effective dose for pelvis CT (than if calculated using ICRP60 tissue weighting factors), by 6.5 % but higher effective doses for all other examinations. ICRP103 calculated effective dose for CT abdomen + pelvis was higher by 4.6 %, for CT abdomen (by 9.5 %), for CT chest + abdomen + pelvis (by 6 %), for CT chest + abdomen (by 9.6 %), for CT chest (by 10.1 %) and for cardiac CT (by 11.5 %). These values, along with published values of effective dose from CT that were calculated for both sets of tissue weighting factors were used to determine single values for the ratio ICRP103:ICRP60 calculated effective doses from CT, for seven CT examinations. The following values for ICR-P103:ICRP60 are suggested for use to convert ICRP60 calculated effective dose to ICRP103 calculated effective dose for the following CT examinations: Pelvis CT, 0.75; for abdomen CT, abdomen + pelvis CT, chest + abdomen + pelvis CT, 1.00; for chest + abdomen CT, and for chest CT. 1.15; for cardiac CT 1.25.
机译:将儿科解剖学的ADELAIDE体素模型与EGSnrc蒙特卡洛代码一起使用,以比较用计算机断层扫描(CT)计算出的有效剂量,这些有效剂量是在ICRP103和ICRP60定义不同的情况下得出的,它们的组织权重因子和所包括的组织不同。新的组织加权因子导致骨盆CT的有效剂量较低(比使用ICRP60组织加权因子计算的有效剂量低6.5%),而所有其他检查的有效剂量更高。 ICRP103计算出的CT腹部+骨盆有效剂量高4.6%,CT腹部(9.5%),CT胸部+腹部+骨盆(6%),CT胸部+腹部(9.6%),CT高胸部(10.1%)和心脏CT(11.5%)。这些值,以及为两组组织加权因子计算的来自CT的有效剂量的公开值,被用于确定ICRP103:ICRP60从CT计算的有效剂量之比的单个值,用于七次CT检查。对于以下CT检查,建议使用ICR-P103:ICRP60的以下值将ICRP60计算的有效剂量转换为ICRP103计算的有效剂量:Pelvis CT,0.75;用于腹部CT,腹部+骨盆CT,胸部+腹部+骨盆CT,1.00;用于胸部+腹部CT,以及用于胸部CT。 1.15;心脏CT 1.25。



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