首页> 外文期刊>Atlantic economic journal >An Ode to ODA against all Odds? A Novel Game-Theoretical and Empirical Reappraisal of the Terrorism-Aid Nexus

An Ode to ODA against all Odds? A Novel Game-Theoretical and Empirical Reappraisal of the Terrorism-Aid Nexus

机译:对所有赔率的颂歌oda? 恐怖主义援助Nexus的新型游戏理论和实证重新评估

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The present inquiry revisits the influence of the fourth religious wave of modern terrorism on the allocation of official development assistance (ODA). The theoretical framework is predicated first on comprehensive review of the pertinent literature on the nexus between political instability and foreign aid, augmented by the assessment of Central Intelligence Agency declassified documents and Congressional Service Reports. Based on the systematic review of the sources, the study puts forward a novel dynamic differential game theory model, which enables derivation of the scenarios for foreign aid allocation. The study finds that despite dominance of geopolitical and/or commercial interests in the allocation of aid, high incidence of terrorist attacks does not lead to less development aid, but rather catalyzes it. Subsequent empirical analysis of a dataset with 121 developing and transition economies spanning between 1970 and 2016 reveals that terrorism incidents, level of political rights, and the War on Terror had a statistically significant positive long-run and negative short-run effect on the level of foreign aid commitment of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development member states. The growth rate of foreign aid in the developing countries with a predominantly Muslim population has been systematically 0.1 to 0.85 percent greater than in non-Muslim countries.Subsequent assessment of the security bias in the allocation of aid indicates that re-securitization of aid since 1998 has led to weak diversion of aid commitment from areas with fewer terrorism incidents to jurisdictions with a greater frequency of terrorist attacks.
机译:目前的咨询重估了现代恐怖主义第四宗教浪潮对官方发展援助分配的影响(官方援助官方援助委员会)。首先在政治不稳定与外援之间对Nexus之间的相关文献进行全面审查,通过评估中央情报局解密文件和国会服务报告的评估来实现理论框架。基于对来源的系统审查,该研究提出了一种新型动态差动博弈论模型,这使得衍生出外援分配的情景。该研究发现,尽管在援助分配地地缘政治和/或商业利益的主导地位,但恐怖袭击的高发病率不会导致较少的发展援助,而是催化它。 1970年至2016年间跨越121个发展和过渡经济体的数据集的后续实证分析揭示了恐怖主义事件,政治权利水平,以及对恐怖的战争在统计上显着的积极长期和负面的短期影响外援经济合作和发展成员国组织的承诺。发展中国家的外援援助的增长率超过了穆斯林人口的系统性大于非穆斯林国家的0.1%至0.85%。援助分配中的安全偏见的申报评估表明自1998年以来重新证券化导致恐怖主义事件较少恐怖主义事件与犯罪袭击频率更少的恐怖主义事件较少的地区的援助致敬转移。



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