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Dissidents Move to Front Lines of Capitalist Revolution


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Ningbo, China-The sight of a set of plastic wedding-cake figurines sets William Xin off into hard-headed negotiations. "Look at the detailed work," he says, picking up a detachable head the size of a marble and holding it under the chin of an impassive Chinese manufacturer. "The nose is a little bit bigger for the Jews, smaller for the Asians." Then, he moves in for the kill: "How quickly can you make a mold and prototype?" With his nonstop patter and eye for the untapped niche market-in this case, race-specific wedding-cake ornaments for the U.S.-the 34-year-old Mr. Xin could be any Chinese-American businessman in China trying to clinch a deal. But he isn't, Unknown to the rival plastics man an enemy of the state: a student protester who helped lead the 1989 democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square before retreating from rifle-toting soldiers into a dissident's exile in the U.S.
机译:中国宁波-看到一套塑料婚礼蛋糕小雕像使William Xin进入了艰苦的谈判。他说:“看一下详细的工作。”他拿起一个像大理石一样大小的可拆卸头,将其放在一个无能为力的中国制造商的下巴下。犹太人的鼻子稍大,亚洲人的鼻子则小。然后,他动手杀了他:“您能多快地制作模具和原型?”凭借他不间断的atter沥沥和未开发的利基市场的眼光-在这种情况下,针对美国的针对种族的婚礼蛋糕装饰品-34岁的辛先生可能是任何试图在中国达成交易的美籍华裔商人。但是他不是,不是对手的塑料人不知道的国家敌人:一位学生示威者,他帮助领导了1989年在天安门广场举行的民主示威活动,然后从步枪士兵退缩到美国的持不同政见者的流放中。



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