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Reactive multi-context systems: Heterogeneous reasoning in dynamic environments


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Managed multi-context systems (mMCSs) allow for the integration of heterogeneous knowledge sources in a modular and very general way. They were, however, mainly designed for static scenarios and are therefore not well-suited for dynamic environments in which continuous reasoning over such heterogeneous knowledge with constantly arriving streams of data is necessary. In this paper, we introduce reactive multi-context systems (rMCSs), a framework for reactive reasoning in the presence of heterogeneous knowledge sources and data streams. We show that rMCSs are indeed well-suited for this purpose by illustrating how several typical problems arising in the context of stream reasoning can be handled using them, by showing how inconsistencies possibly occurring in the integration of multiple knowledge sources can be handled, and by arguing that the potential non-determinism of rMCSs can be avoided if needed using an alternative, more skeptical well-founded semantics instead with beneficial computational properties. We also investigate the computational complexity of various reasoning problems related to rMCSs. Finally, we discuss related work, and show that rMCSs do not only generalize mMCSs to dynamic settings, but also capture/extend relevant approaches w.r.t dynamics in knowledge representation and stream reasoning. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:托管多上下文系统(mMCS)允许以模块化且非常通用的方式集成异构知识源。但是,它们主要是为静态方案设计的,因此不适用于动态环境,在动态环境中,需要对此类异构知识进行持续推理,并不断获得数据流。在本文中,我们介绍了反应性多上下文系统(rMCS),这是在存在异构知识源和数据流的情况下进行反应性推理的框架。我们通过展示如何使用流管理推理如何处理在流推理上下文中出现的几个典型问题,展示如何处理在集成多个知识源中可能出现的不一致之处,以及通过展示如何证明rMCS确实非常适合此目的。争论认为,如果需要,可以使用替代的,更具怀疑性的,有充分根据的语义,而不是具有有益的计算属性,来避免rMCS的潜在不确定性。我们还研究了与rMCS相关的各种推理问题的计算复杂性。最后,我们讨论了相关工作,并表明rMCS不仅将mMCS概括为动态设置,而且还捕获/扩展了具有动态性的知识表示和流推理中的相关方法。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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