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A Place for Figures of Speech in Argumentation Theory


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This paper deals with the treatment of figures of speech in Perelman’s and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s Treatise on Argumentation (TA), and, more broadly, with the place of figures in argumentation theory. The contrast between two conceptions (or two domains) of rhetoric, “a rhetoric of figures” and “a rhetoric of argument” can be traced back to Ramus, and it has been revived in the seventies through the perception of an incommensurability between Perelman’s “New Rhetoric” and the École de Liège’s “General Rhetoric”. Modern theories of argumentation, oriented towards the characterization and denunciation of fallacious discourse, emphasize the gap between sound argumentative discourse and rhetorical discourse seen as a “powerful instrument of error and deceit” (Locke). This concept of argument presupposes a vision of language as ideal/transparent—a revised language that is not the language of ordinary argumentation. Figures are not basically “decorative”; they are manifestations of the complex process of language structuring in speech. Thus rejecting figures amounts to a negation of discourse as such. The second section turns to a somewhat neglected aspect of the TA, its both decisive and somewhat cavalier theory of figures of speech, and its extended use and re-definition of a complex set of figures. We argue that the TA, in its quest for descriptive adequacy, breaks with the traditional and comfortable concept of figures as useless fallacious “ornaments” and provides us with the first description of what could be characterized as the semantic level of ordinary argumentative discourse. This will be shown on the case of “figures of choice, presence and communion”, and could be extended to the discursive construction of objects and participants, including the speaker and her emotions.
机译:本文讨论了Perelman和Olbrechts-Tyteca的论证论文(TA)中的修辞格处理,并且更广泛地讲了论据在论证理论中的位置。修辞学的两个概念(或两个领域),“人物修辞学”和“论证修辞学”之间的对比可以追溯到拉姆斯,并且在七十年代通过感知佩雷尔曼的“哲学思想”之间的不可通约性而得以复兴。 《新修辞学》和ÉcoledeLiège的《一般修辞学》。现代论证理论以谬误话语的表征和谴责为导向,强调了声音论证话语和修辞话语之间的差距,后者被视为“错误和欺骗的有力工具”(洛克)。这种论证的概念以语言的理想/透明为前提,这是一种经过修改的语言,而不是普通论证的语言。数字基本上不是“装饰性的”;它们是语音中语言结构复杂过程的体现。因此,拒绝数字就等于对话语的否定。第二部分转向TA的一个被忽略的方面,它既是决定性的又是某种程度的高贵的数字修辞理论,以及它的扩展使用和对一组复杂的数字的重新定义。我们认为,技术援助在寻求描述性的充分性时,打破了传统和舒适的数字概念,即无用的谬误“装饰品”,并为我们提供了可以被描述为普通辩论性话语的语义水平的第一个描述。这将在“选择,存在和共融的数字”的情况下显示出来,并且可以扩展到对象和参与者的话语结构,包括说话者及其情绪。



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