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Higher-Order Strategic Maneuvering in Argumentation


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In a critical discussion, interlocutors can strategically maneuver by shading their expressed degree of standpoint commitment for rhetorical effect. When is such strategic shading reasonable, and when does it cross the line and risk fallacious derailment of the discussion? Analysis of President George W. Bush’s 2002–2003 prewar commentary on Iraq provides an occasion to explore this question and revisit Douglas Ehninger’s distinction between argumentation as “coercive correction” and argumentation as a “person-risking enterprise.” Points of overlap between Ehninger’s account and pragma-dialectical argumentation theory suggest avenues for harmonization of rhetorical and dialectical perspectives on argumentation. Out of this conceptual convergence comes theoretical resources for understanding strategic maneuvering, by accounting for ways that discussants exploit gaps between their externalized and actual “discussion attitude.” As such higher-order strategic maneuvering played a major role in the 2003 Iraq prewar “discourse failure,” perspicacious understanding of this particular argumentative maneuver carries practical, as well as theoretical import.
机译:在激烈的讨论中,对话者可以通过掩饰其对修辞效果表达的立场承诺的程度来进行战略性的机动。这种策略性阴影何时才是合理的,什么时候越过界线并冒使讨论的谬误脱轨的风险?对布什总统2002年至2003年关于伊拉克的战前评论的分析为探讨这个问题提供了一个机会,让我们重新审视道格拉斯·埃宁格(Douglas Ehninger)在“强制矫正”论证和“危及人身的事业”论证之间的区别。 Ehninger的论述与实用辩证法论证理论之间的重叠点为协调论证的辩证观点和辩证法提供了途径。在这种概念上的融合产生了理论资源,用于通过解释讨论者利用其外部化和实际“讨论态度”之间的差距的方式来理解战略操纵。在2003年伊拉克战前“话语失败”中,这种高阶战略演习起着重要作用,因此,对这种特殊论证演习的透彻理解既有实践意义,也有理论意义。



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