首页> 外文期刊>Analytical Chemistry >Detection, Number, and Sequence Location of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids and Disulfide Bridges in Peptides by Ultrahigh-Resolution MALDI FTICR Mass Spectrometry

Detection, Number, and Sequence Location of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids and Disulfide Bridges in Peptides by Ultrahigh-Resolution MALDI FTICR Mass Spectrometry

机译:超高分辨率MALDI FTICR质谱检测肽中含硫氨基酸和二硫键的数量,顺序和位置

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Here, we present several strategies for determining the number of sulfur atoms and disulfide bridges in selected biologically active peptides, based on MALDIFTICR mass spectrometry at femtomole sample consumption level. First, based on the 2-Da mass increase per disulfide bridge reduction, we show that repeated laser shots on the same sample spot can reduce (and therefore reveal the presence of ) the disulfide bridge in oxytocin.
机译:在这里,我们根据在飞摩尔样品消耗水平上的MALDIFTICR质谱法,提出了几种用于确定所选生物活性肽中硫原子和二硫键数目的策略。首先,基于每个二硫键减少的2 Da质量增加,我们表明在相同的样品点上重复进行激光照射可以减少(并因此揭示)催产素中的二硫键。



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